
Sadly, this will mean nothing. Those who still support Trump will either insist that withholding the aid in this manner (completely outside all the normal channels for aid or investigations) was necessary to shed light on the monumental corruption of the Bidens, or that Bolton is a lying deep state liberal who Trump

Here is the problem-nobody doubts the fact that Trump withheld the aid and nobody doubts the fact that his reason was to get Ukraine to soil Biden’s reputation. The thing is, the elected Senate Republicans do not care. They don’t care if Trump is beholden to Putin. They don’t care if he has engaged in illegal,

Pelosi’s strategy of holding the articles as long as feasibly possible is making more and more sense every day. The more evidence that drips out before the trial ends puts more and more pressure on Senate Republicans to allow witnesses like Bolton. They probably still won’t, but to anyone who is paying attention (not

With this development, every Republican Senator still blocking Bolton’s testimony is now knowingly and actively participating in furtherance of the very [Article 2] Obstruction of Congress cover-up at trial before them.

It’s baffling if you think of him as a president. It’s not baffling when you remember that he’s first and foremost a reality show hack/wanna-be professional wrestler/wanna-be tough guy whose interest in anything is directly proportional to how much TV time it gets him. Celebrities are far more telegenic than shot-up ki

Trump responded faster to Kobe dying than he has for multiple school shootings or other national tragedies where multiple lives were lost, which is fucking baffling.

To confirm what I suggested above: Right now (1 pm Sunday) every broadcast channel in LA and all three national cable news channels and BBC World News are on wall-to-wall Kobe.

The first thing I thought of was when he raped that woman in Colorado. She was not able to push forward with her testimony because of all of the threats against her.  Nobody cared about her welfare, only that of their sports idol.

This right here. Growing up without your dad is hard (said the Voice of Experience). The girls will struggle, and my sympathy goes towards them.

Horrible for his kids, but I find it very hard to summon sympathy for this rapist son-of-a-bitch


It’s amazing how many ghosts re-materialize once they realize you ain’t paying any attention to their haunting.

May he be forever cursed to having 5 year old super hyperactive seat kickers pummel his kidneys on every flight, plus seat neighbors who won’t stop trying to weasel him into Amway or another MLM on everrrry signle flight he will ever take.

The universe did some fucking BACK BREAKING to make this all come to a head, and I seriously wouldn’t have believed it if it hadn’t happened *to me.*

When I was 22, after a brief eyeroll hiatus from Thought Catalog, I decided to randomly read some articles there during some down time. If you don’t know Thought Catalog,

I want to stitch that shit on a pillow.

Blink-182 broke my up with my first girlfriend.

I dated my first girlfriend (Kristen for this story) during the summer of 1998.

Late nights talking. Holding hands. Lots of making out. We even got busted once making out in her bathroom by her little sister, who promptly ran out to tell her father. He was surprisingly

I spent a year living with a boyfriend I desperately needed to break up with (but couldn’t... because we lived together and I was too broke to move) and two other roommates. But we still broke up every couple of weeks toward the end and during one of these breakups, he basically moved into the bedroom of one of the

I once had a guy break up with me in the passenger unloading zone while dropping me off for an out of town flight. It was cowardly AF, but also kind of ingenious because he knew he only had to deal with me for about 3 minutes before security would move him on.

So, I started seeing a friend of my roommate’s boyfriend. He wasn’t the sharpest knife in the drawer, but he was sweet, good looking, and easy to talk to.

The first sign was apparently he likes to kiss and tell, because my roommate kept not-telling me something that he said about me after we’d had sex a few times.


I don’t remember the last time I saw a sanitary pad commercial and I don’t really care what colour the liquid is tbh. I will say, though, that when I was a little kid I was deeply baffled by the blue liquid. I had no idea it was supposed to stand in for blood (because frankly that’s insane) and thought it was some

OMG, are they actually finally doing this?? I’ve been complaining about the fake blue crap since I was a kid!