
Just finished Allison Moorer’s memoir Blood. It’s a tough read not because of the writing, which is superb, but because of the subject matter. I wonder if that’s part of the reason it was structured as a series of modest-sized narratives, anecdotes, and commentaries — definitely something you will probably read a bit

I highly recommend this book:

I’m not LGBT so I don’t have any moral authority to absolve Murphy for his past material. But it is worth noting he was 22 (!!!) when he made those jokes in 1983 (!!!). A totally different time fin his own life and for us as a culture. I cringe at some of the stuff I said back in my early teens when everything bad was

It’s astounding to think how quickly we got from there (massive panics, mass deaths, murders and assaults, the AIDS Quilt, etc.) to here (massive drug advances [but not if Facebook has anything to say about it,] slightly fewer murders and assaults, the ability to keep the virus from passing through the placenta, etc.)

Obviously the jokes are awful, but as someone nearing 40 I think it’s important for people to realize (and learn from) how mainstream these sorts of jokes were not that long ago. I remember being a kid well after this special and in second grade kids played tag saying “tag, now you have AIDS.” There was a true

as a young gay man these jokes horrified me

If you’ve got perfectly chiseled abs, I don’t think you’re all that “brave” for posting a bikini shot on social media.

if you were to ask Robert Pattison who his favorite actor is, he’d probably say Bruce Willis...

So interesting he and Kristen Stewart went very similar routes. Both starred in the Twilight movies, got their money and then decided to be actors. Both took roles in small indie movies that challenged them to grow, and in my opinion both succeeded beyond all expectations. Pattinson is absolutely electric in Good

Maybe he just realizes that somehow, the results turn out great, so maybe his self proclaimed “3 methods” work somehow.  Or, he really loves challenging himself.  After Twighlight, all he did were smaller art house movies, and he got raves in all of them.  I tell you, there are days at my accounting job where i’d

Yeah, bigoted people don’t sit around pleating their fingers and plotting their next eeeeeevil act. They live normal lives, do normal things, love their family, love their pets, go to work, eat dinner... its just that they ALSO believe a lot of fucked up bad shit and sometimes express those fucked up bad shit beliefs.

I know! It’s like Fred Phelps of the Westboro Baptist Church was a prominent civil rights attorney, and also a goddamned monster.

Unfortunately grew up hearing this prick on morning radio. Even when he wasn’t being racist he was an asshole.  He deserves every butthole spider the Bad Place has.

Being against racism isn’t a political issue numbnuts, so it’s not “politically correct.” It’s just CORRECT. Vaccinate your kids, the Earth isn’t flat, and racism is bad, these are concepts anyone with two working brain cells should be able to figure out.

If you read this article and think "he was possibly a difficult individual” no one cares about your opinion.

Yup. See also: Antonin Scalia.

75% of what Batman does is brood, he'll do fine. The gagging might even take it up a notch. 

I remember when the whole “nappy-headed hos” comment happened. It was fascinating to see the blowback because honestly up until then (2007) it seemed like something someone could get away with saying in public/on air. It was one of those moments where it seemed like the broader culture kind of agreed that, no, in

Nah. He “apologized” when the policy was shown to be a substantive failure, and not just a moral one.

Because they’re working a real job that would earn a real wage under any other circumstances. Not only does any such job deserve at least the federal minimum (which is substantially less than any entry-level call center job), allowing the outsourcing company to get away with paying $7.25 because the Oklahoma