
I don’t, mine voted for Florida.

I wish I had some, I had to make do with ambien and wine. Apologies in advance if I start posting crazy shit, I won’t remember it in the morning.

Yeah, I can definitely see that happening to me. I just don’t want to be a failed foster so soon. But I seriously love this dog, and he told me he wants to stay here with me forever. What are you gonna do.....

I think he has an inkling because most of the time when he sees me raise up my phone to take a pic, he runs away.

Aww, that poor baby. I bet that’s such a terrifying experience. :(

Sadly, no. I’m in Savannah, GA. I’ll give him a kiss for you though!

I decided to become a doggie foster parent, and I fucking love it! My first baby got adopted about within 3 days, and I’ve had my second one since Monday. I’m absolutely in love with him. He’s a chiweenie, and he favorite activity is taking literally every toy out of the toy box and excitedly rotating which toy he

I have a fear of pine nuts since I got “pine mouth.” If you haven’t heard of it, google it. It fucks with your taste for weeks. I ate a bunch of pine nuts a couple of years ago right before thanksgiving, and everything tasted bitter for the longest time. Ruined thanksgiving, and seriously freaked me out before I

This. You can’t season the greens properly with bacon, you need ham hock or fatback or a smoked pork neck. I grew up in a ham hock family, but now I use pork neck because I like the texture and taste of the meat better than ham hock. Ham hock (to me) is good for seasoning the pot likker but isn’t that great when

Oh man if you’re boiling them all day you’re not doing it right...

I’ve made them into a cole slaw-type dish when I had so fucking many and was tired of the traditional preparation. Not trying to take away from your point at all, but they can be pretty tasty raw if shredded like you do with cabbage.

I can pick a garbage bag full of collard greens for $5 at a local farm. Add about $3 worth of other ingredients, and I can eat like 15 meals worth of greens. They are dirt cheap.

OMG xanax and cheeseburger sound so good. I sooo wish I had access to the former.

Thank you! That’s so sweet!

My cat passed away last week (again, thanks to all you jezzies for your support) and I’ve been wanting to turn my grief into something positive. I’m getting a foster doggie! His name is BB, he’s year old Corgi mix, and he’s the sweetest freaking thing in the world. He was returned to the shelter by his last owners

I think about that when people say they want to clone their dogs. I know you can’t replicate personalities anyway, but I would want the joy of having very different dogs that I love differently. They are all so wonderful in their own way.

I’m sorry too :(

Jesus. These people are the worst examples of humankind.

Than you very much. I’m sorry about your kitty too.

I already have two other cats who are 8 and 7. They’re best friends and it’s adorable. I never intended to have that many cats in the first place (damn you adorable kitties that show up at my door and need a home!) so I won’t get another one. So I have my other fur babies to console me, which is wonderful.