
Every single candidate is going to have something like this. Every. Single. One.

I will accept your criticism of her as a prosecutor.

“Because I sure as fuck don’t remember y’all making such a stink then. Did you vote in the 2010 midterms? Were you part of the #resistance? Oh, there wasn’t a #resistance then because something something Donald Trump is a sudden and particularly evil racist, the likes of which didn’t exist in our government prior to

I’m an immigration lawyer.

645 comments. Maybe someone has already said what I’m going to. Maybe this point isn’t lost in the shuffle. But, somehow, I’m not optimistic.

The hand-waving statements from the kid and his Mom are laughable.

I’m flying four times in the next month, and while I will get pissed at the long lines, it won’t be TSA agents calling in sick that I’ll blame for it. They’re doing, in my opinion, the right thing.

So hold on, a girl who is trafficked and preyed upon, forced in prostitution, kills a man who picks her up, is given over 50 years, but a grown ass man killing his girlfriend, pouring bleach on her, and not calling 911 until she’s definitely dead only gets 3 years? Yeah, I can definitely see how he’s more capable of

It’s crazy to me how many racist, sexist, and ageist comments about this wedding I’ve read on this site for supposed liberal feminists. The comments like “how can they throw such an elaborate wedding in a country where millions are starving” (Yes only white people are allowed to be extravagant),  “Aren’t they

I’m glad some folks are enjoying this game; everyone has their somewhere they want to be, and that somewhere doesn’t work for other folks—and that’s fine. I enjoy a great many things others think are a waste of time.

This whole kerfuffle, though, comes off as one giant kettle of “we coasted way too hard on a

We knew they were coming for months, we could have just prepped to process them in an orderly manner upon arrival, instead we prepped for a conflict and now have made it a self fulfilling prophecy. All to put on a show to get the base frothing at the mouth.

“A girl who struggles”

Her constituents did that already.

“-functions much in the same way flat-screen televisions and nice sneakers show up in conservative rhetoric about people on Medicaid or receiving food stamps.”

The skepticism of Ocasio-Cortez speaks to the broader classism, sexism, and racism that characterizes so much of the way things work on the Hill and in elite media spaces.

I have relatives who pray for Trump at the dinner table. No joke. It’s madness- the hypocrisy and just sheer lunacy of so-called Christians speaking Trump’s and Jesus’s name in the same breath.

Exactly. Envy and spite. And for crying out loud, he just NEVER gets tired of insulting Obama (directly or indirectly). Of course there are all those scary brown people in California with their crazy music and weird food (that isn’t a Big Mac). His racism, I trust, will be what defines him in history books.

Trump hates how Hollywood and the Hollywood elite have turned against him, how he completely lost California in the election though he claimed he could have won it if campaigned more, he hates how Jerry Brown defies him and refuses to kiss his ass, etc etc. Not surprised he blames California for being California- even

Fuck you to hell trump. You get all of your information from that shit site “Infowars” and the other one - Breitbart. I hope that everyone in Cali drags you so hard that you have that stroke that we are all praying for. Also dying in a fire would be OK.

I’m guessing whoever still supports Trump also hates ‘California’, or their idea of what California stands for, and thinks we deserve this and he’s a hero for telling it like it is. What I’m guessing they don’t know is that Butte County went for Trump in 2016. And is one of the counties that wants to secede from the