
I feel you. My high school bully was an aspiring hockey player who thought he was King Shit and had the posse behind him. He was basically a combination of Biff Tannen and Marty McSorley. After high school we all went our separate ways and I basically forgot about him until I read about him in the newspaper. Turns out

Never tolerate the intolerant.

It is an ex fish.

Expired and gone to meet its maker.

Run down the curtain and joined the choir invisible.

Pinin’ for the fjords.

It’s not dead, it’s only resting.

And voting for Trump.

I think the fish is beyond suffering. Like, way beyond.

oh hey, someone took a video of me dancing

How come women can’t go sleeveless when Paul Ryan is allowed to go spineless?

I agree completely. It’s hard. Terribly hard...but if your body can’t keep you alive due to a terminal non curable or treatable disease, then you should not be alive.  

No, you don’t understand. This is fair use, and the reason Zillow backed down is because they knew they couldn’t win or even come close to winning. In fact, the closest they could possibly get to winning are the many commenters, like yourself, who very obviously don’t understand the stipulations and purpose of fair

Couple that with the fact that most victims of (violent) crime somehow KNOW the perpetrator, and that argument makes even less sense.

I am so tired of this idiotic most violence affecting the black community comes from black communitynon-argument from disingenuous racists. The vast majority of ALL violence is intra-racial; that statistic is utterly meaningless because it applies to virtually everyone, everywhere. Most violence affecting the white

Back in the day, “shining a light” was the justification for booking Ann Coulter. Look how that turned out. It only helped grow her audience, and now her brand of fact-free extremism is the norm, and she’s a regular guest on mainstream talk shows. “Shining a light” on Orly Taitz helped spread birtherism. “Shining a

I think “don’t give him a platform” is an excellent argument. Yes, he already has a platform. But that’s as good a reason as any not to give him a further platform. He already has one, why should he get more? Yes, the White House may have given him a press credential, but that’s reason to criticize the White House,

“It’s called Evil, kid.”

He can do magic things!

That’s too bad.