
This is literally what first came to mind when I saw that header image. (Granted, I think the Puli wears it better.)

I love how that one tower looks like it’s screaming.

It’s a very cheesy, very fun show. And I do like the theme song.

I was gonna say...they both look pretty God-awful. Talk about bland and blah.

You’re a pretty awesome person. Just sayin’. ;)

I got my Mirena the day before Election Day. While it wasn’t exactly fun to sit at a polling station that entire next day with cramps and twinges (I was an Assistant Inspector), given what wound up happening I found my timing fortuitous.

These people scream about the ‘illegals’ but give a huge middle finger to people who have gone through the proper channels and follow our laws. This is such a disgusting, scummy thing to do.

I wish my whole household could join in on the ‘Don’t feed the Troll-in-Chief’ bandwagon. Sadly, my parents are die-hard Trump supporters, so I know they’ll likely try to tune in. *gag*

This is so cute!

I’m sorry to hear about your friend.

That is one talented dog.

I’m already on the road to being pretty happy with myself as I am. But I’m adding to that by taking jewelrymaking and glassblowing classes this year. I’m hoping to eventually get good enough at both to sell pieces I make alongside the stuff I sew (which gets tons of praise from folks when they see my work!).

Years ago my mother had this happen with a Partylite candle holder. It was sitting up on a shelf burning away merrily when all of a sudden it emitted a loud ‘BANG’ and wax started leaking from it. It had split vertically in two from the heat.

My Dad still holds a grudge against what he calls ‘Obama Motors’ over that. =\

This is very impressive. Thank you!

Not just you. I loved that one. :)

My mother used similar language as yours, always telling me not to be dependent on others, not to ‘sponge money’ off a guy, and so on. Then she went and joined my dad in voting for Trump, and I’m left facepalming.

I got mine this past Monday as well. After working a long day yesterday as a poll worker, one of my thoughts was relief that I have five years to not worry about it, if all goes well.

Off to the right of the star there should be three little circles. That’s where they hide the ‘Follow’, ‘Flag’, and other options. That’s where you can flag posts.