Angela Serratore

This is so so so so true and thank you for making the point.


Thank you!

Bits and pieces are available in some collected volumes of Shaw, but her actual stuff is tricky to find because the papers she wrote for didn't last. Someone should put out a collection, though!

Yes ma'am!

Thank you! And yes—of all the ladies on my to-write-about list, she's near the top in terms of ones I'd like to dish with.

Yeah, this is such a tough one. On the one hand, as someone without a title being pursued by a Lord, how much agency she had can definitely be looked at with some skepticism. On the other, she seemed pretty eager for the marriage to take place, even against the advice of her father. Marriage in the 19th century was

Thank you! My Grandpa feels the same way so between the two of you I'll wait here until it's time for the Oscars.