Take it up with Forbes Magazine. They made the list.
I'm not saying Beyonce is not important. But, you know, Oprah IS still alive.
Am I making assumptions about their marriage or discussing the information that's out there? A think piece tends to take some grand stand on a specific topic.
Oh no. Sheep are idiots.
On the throne of the largest empire in human history?
Anywhere it wants.
Shut up, baby! I know!
This is reminiscent of another elite British fashion of old: It was considered a mark of aristocratic background for men to stutter. The struggle to enunciate was viewed as a reflection of a sophisticated mind searching for the right word. It's very long out of fashion now, but "The King's Speech" and Winston…
I feel like your comment needs about five percent more bootstraps and a little dash of blaming the parents.
So as a person who admittedly took part in this kind of teasing, do you have any thoughts on what would stop this? I get that kids will tease each other (I was teased a lot in school). But SHIT. This stuff goes beyond anything I experienced getting picked on. I see studies that show young kids are more and more…
Honestly, it's just more nuanced than a good headline makes. Kids should be given leave within reason to make choices and express themselves. My daughter has been picking her own clothes out since she was a year old (my sons, who are 2 and 4 years older, incidentally, still don't really care what they wear) - this…
$30k in credit card debt for absolutely unnecessary purchases is average? Well that definitely makes me feel better about my finances.
I will never understand why Kinja doesn't allow IP address banning. I do not now, nor will I ever comprehend how having vicious trolls like the rape gif guy and all the goddamn "work from home" spam is a better commenting system than what they had before. How can you claim to have this wonderful advanced sophisticated…
Oh please. I was everyone's 'worst roommate ever.'
Isn't it interesting, that for how much our two countries are the same, that we are just so very different, especially on the lines of race relations? I am so very proud to have been born among the True North Strong and Free!
That's easy! All we'd have to do is: