
If Robin William's $100 million dollars didn't make a difference, money doesn't make a difference.

I'm not going to sit here and gush about her album, because 1. I haven't listened to the whole thing and 2. The few songs I've heard just aren't my jam, sorry, but she gets mad points from me for scrolling the names of over 1,000 missing and murdered Canadian Aboriginal women behind her during her performance. Our

Thanks, Isha - Tanya Tagaq is super cool!

I believe all three of these ladies need to write a short introduction about themselves using only gifs. Or a la the Emoji Tatler.

I've started to notice the people that say "Don't tell me how to raise my kids!" are the exact people that need to be told how to raise their kids.

It's called confabulation, and it's pretty interesting. I did a little Googling about it once, because one of my students had an issue with it. Most of the articles I found were sort of dense and scholarly, so much so that they weren't helpful in the situation I was in, but I found a decent, brief explanation on

What kind of mangled dicks have you seen that remotely resemble croissants and lobster tails?

I had to deal with some of these fuckers when they came to my campus on Wednesday, showing off pictures of dead fetuses. They screamed at me, and came uncomfortably close. They also told me my parent's interracial and interfaith marriage was going to go to hell. And that I dishonored them for being gay. So I made a

I'm going to go with yes.

Let me get this straight: So when I fold my laundry, I'm not making laundry tacos? And when I bend over and touch my toes, I'm not a taco? How am I not a taco?

Folks! 1. Dismiss 2. Do Not Feed.

I enjoyed Hello Ladies. Insanely awkward, and a very, very questionable hero, but it too has heart.

This is probably the best article I have read on Jezebel. Really well written, genuinely affecting, relevant and balanced. Thank you Lindy, more please!

Nah, Carlin was brilliant and hilarious.

I want to marry Stephen Merchant. I don't think he'll ever notice me, though.

He had some pretty pro-feminist things to say, FWIW.

It's actually a pretty dead on portrayal of modern feminism:

So, let me get this straight, Reddit.

First off, this is absolutely horrid. Secondly, if you murdered your mother and put her in a suitcase, would you not attempt to flee...I don't know, say out of the country and not 6 miles away to have a siesta? Put in a little effort, guys.