I prefer Garfield minus Garfield.
I prefer Garfield minus Garfield.
Any way to make suggestions for March Madness? I wanna see Meat vs Cheese go toe-to-toe.
The Lord works in mysterious ways.
I'm totally seeing a head and face on her right thigh, right up by her knee. Is that a body, too? Possibly arms clasped? Is this Pope John Paul II's next miracle?? Someone inform the Vatican!!
Hahaha, I haven't heard the term red wings in years. Awesome!
I hadn't heard that, about increased infections during period sex. Same as when I replied to Stam487's first reply, though: If there's medical reasons or evidence to do something then I'm fine with that BUT, that's not the case of most of monotheism's rules about sex and women. I don't think anyone, at the time the…
Isn't impurity awful close to being dirty or soiled? Either way, there's a negative connotation to women and their periods. It's a shitty deal to say that god created women to have periods once a month, but during that time they're "spiritually impure". I still find that offensive. Are men ever spiritually impure for…
I really am getting tired of being tolerant of others' intolerances, especially when it comes to religious views and women's health.
There are two midwives in my area. All low-risk first-time pregnant women are referred to them. Since I work in Obstetrics, I know that one is decent (not fantastic, but decent) and the other I don't trust at all (as in, I'd prefer to deliver alone at home). I know that midwives, in general, are great and can help…
I have a German Shepherd and Border Collie mix guy, he's 5. I get stopped allllll the time by guys who want to pet him and ask about him. It was a new phenomenon to me, because growing up we had a Pitbull-mix and a Boxer-Bulldog mix (both rescues), and no one ever stopped to ask about them.
Marion Bridge, in Cape Breton.
I didn't want to laugh at this... :)
They also had a lapse-time video of the 18 minute incident caught on security cam posted today. I didn't watch, but was perturbed none the less.
Seriously! When that painting of him naked recently was exhibited, all I could think was "As if clothed Stevesie wasn't creepy enough," and the kitten photo was exactly what I had in mind.
Seriously. After watching this, the only thing I could think was "I miss Christopher Hitchens."
I occasionally consider the same thing. But having certain people on restricted lists and not others makes me feel like I'm living a double life, and just trying to please too many people. So no one gets put on restricted lists on my FB. I'm not gonna stop being myself (even if that includes myself cursing self, my…