
You're right, that is still taxable. I asked how much after taxes I'd get as take-home and it's $462, but I think that part may depend on the tax rate per area/province.

I actually was just put off work on sick leave before my maternity leave starts (whenever baby arrives) so I've been in touch with Service Canada the past few days. They pay EI for 17 weeks of Maternity Leave, followed by 35 weeks of Parental Leave (to be split as you see fit between mother and partner). It's 55% of


I am so happy I'm not the only one who peruses Jez when too drunk to type coherently. Yay!

I also have PCOS, and am pregnant. Seriously. It's insane.

Seriously!! I don't get how people can read about Jesus' message about love and peace and think "This means I must prepare for a battle. God Warriors in the house!" Then again, I'm just an atheist who couldn't possibly understand the complexity of God.

Very few, I know, but I mean even in contexts where the only war is a perceived one. Like this JC Penney ad being part of a cultural war. Why the need to make everything so violent and extreme? I don't get the Christian attitude about most things, but this especially irks me.

I always find it interesting how the hyper-religious and zealots use language that paints a violent picture when referring to themselves or their interests. Like "Soldiers for Jesus", or "God warriors", or this "Culture war". Seriously, it really makes me question their frame of mind. It's worrisome, to say the least.

I'm 7 months pregnant, and love the name Cain. I used to babysit a kid named Cain, and have loved the name ever since then, so like, 10-15 years now. The husband and I were raised Catholic but have denounced it, causing a shit-storm when we were planning our wedding. (We eventually eloped.) We have yet to actually

That's exactly where I stopped, too. Although 16 is legal age to consent where I'm from, I can't get behind someone being so flippant about rape. Not worth the read.

QUESTION: I saw another thread on tattoos and decided to ask a question, too. My husband and I got married last May. We eloped, it was awesome. We decided not to opt for rings, but to do tattoos instead, but we overblew our budget on our trip, so we decided to wait for our one year anniversary to get matching tats. We

Since all the advice I would've given has been covered (expect to not wear a bra for a while, don't use vaseline or polysporin, no scrubbing, good lotion, etc etc) I just have a question for inked Jezzies as well!!

This reminds me of one time when I was watching Dr Phil right after hurricaine Katrina and Dr Phil's wife, Robyn, said "I know what we're doing for our Christmas episode!". It irked me so much. I wasn't a big Dr Phil fan, but stopped watching after that. It weirds me out people who gain from others' miseries, or as in

Seriously. The pension bullshit is bullshit. I'm sure it won't exist by the time we qualify. I hadn't heard of this, though. So disappointing.

If it were an open relationship, then sure. Otherwise, no. I've dated a guy who hit a low libido point in his life for about 6 months or so and it was so much more tense than any other point in the relationship. I found that I'd be upset about not having sex, but fighting over just about anything. It was way too hard.

Perhaps they should send these fetuses in to do the job. Not gonna lie— I'm on my second one of these. It's always hilarious when my strongly pro-life in-laws come over and we have to do a room scan to figure out where the cat left the fetus.

I'm so sorry to hear about this. I have a dog and a cat and can only imagine what you're going through.

Jezzies, question of advice. My husband and I are going to spend part of the holiday at his parent's house. They are uber-Catholic, as are his three sibs. He and I boarder between agnostic and atheist. My family are conservative Catholics, too, but it's his that I'm worried about this Christmas. We eloped back in May

What about sour cream? Same deal?

Actually, I think you're confusing atheism with non-theism. Atheism means to believe there is no god, whereas non-theism just means to not partake in any particular theistic belief.