
How fucking fragile could you be? I took it as self referential “humor” about his own hypocrisy of doing drugs while questioning big pharma who are plenty guilty of other human travesties. Have we gotten so fucking sensitive we can;t tolerate a single thing that deviates from our politics? We melt when we hear a

If she thinks childbirth is traumatizing, just wait until she has to change a diaper or stand by and watch her child go through surgery under anesthesia. Parenting is scary and traumatic, too. You aren’t owed a genetic copy of yourself. Adopt a child like a normal person. Not every thing a woman does is good.

LOL, have you done literally any research into surrogacy? You think financially stable, independent women would sacrifice their most fertile years and health for some other rich couple out of the goodness of their own heart? In numbers great enough to support an entire industry? Bless your heart.

Working with many poor teen females and their families has been shocking to me. With basically no social safety net in the US it’s pretty bad. One teen female had a baby at 15 and another at 17. She was paid $35,000 per birth and given new Mustang convertible each time. She then got $7500 bonus for each other girl she

Because it reduces the likelihood of exploitation of someone who is not emotionally, financially, or physically ready to go through a pregnancy and childbirth to take on the costs you named because of financial desperation, rather than due to a genuine and informed desire to carry and bear a child for someone else.

Paid surrogacy is illegal in Canada, as well as many other wealthy countries. The US is an exception, and not legal in all states. I guess no one has thought through the implications and complications as deeply as you have.

“Kim told me about that [surrogacy] as well…I’m using the same doctor, Dr Huang, who’s the best and he has a concierge team that deals with everything and interviews the people [the surrogate] to make sure that they’re healthy.”

Hi all — this article was really hard for me to read. I understand that there are folks who might be faking side effects from the vaccine. I am a pro-vaccine secondary school teacher, and was excited to get the shot.

I had serious impacts from the vaccine that included 6 months of not being able to walk, serious nerve

My brother in law had some serious neurological problems after his first vaccine.  He’s better now and isn’t anti-vax at all.  But side effects can be legit and it doesn’t do much good to ridicule people for reporting them, even if they are being overly dramatic.

Sooooo you posted one woman (2 clips) that claims to have this affliction, and then a bunch of trolls harassing her. Again, this is on Twitter, where you do all your research despite crying about Elon all the time.

children getting raped and impregnated is a normal fact of life

The tone of this article almost suggests children getting raped and impregnated is a normal fact of life

Thank you, I agree. It is inaccurate to describe these men as infertile. Not being able to conceive a biological child with each other does not make them infertile. It is a crappy situation for them to be in, and there needs to be a solution for folks like them to be able to have a bio child without going bankrupt.

It’s not the heteronormative definition of infertility. It’s biology. They aren’t infertile. That is by definition and reality true.

Just FYI, the fastest women’s time this year in the 100 meters wouldn’t make the top 1000 of the men’s times. I’m not sure relegating women athletes to the deep, deep, deep minor league of almost every sport answers any problems we have.

This happened when I was around seven and living in a small farm town outside of Chicago. Each night I’d go to bed and from the ceiling above me a little girl, in the shape of a shadow, would watch me. I recall she had this curly untamed hair and no facial features, but she definitely read as a little girl around my

What about veganism? Ethical veganism is a thing and I know a few vegans who won’t get jabbed due to animal testing.  I am all for people getting vaccinated but I can honestly understand why people are hesitant about new technology that has no long term safety data. I’m personally a little disturbed by how quickly we

The stories from Demi Lovato and Brittany Spears parallel with Judy Garland, and I have no faith in humanity. I shouldn’t have listened to the Jan. 6th Capitol hearing because I was already upset, and this article confirmed why I have the same reaction as you describe when watching things to escape.

Absolutely. I used to love watching old Hollywood films at my grandmother’s house. They really did seem like they were from a simpler, more innocent time. Now when I see an old movie my negative brain goes to: which actor was being raped? Which one had an eating disorder? Which one was addicted to stimulants? Did

It’s incredibly disheartening to find out the many ways in which our quests for entertainment, to distract from our lives, is so entwined with the abuse and objectification of others.