
Go to r/pokemongospoofing on Reddit and tell them where the gym is you need Pokemon knocked out.  I just saw them knock out a 3 year old one from Chernobyl the other day.

I discovered this Youtuber a while ago. His videos are well thought out and informative. My wife is Dutch, so I’ve been to the Netherlands and seen how well their system works. It makes me sad that it can’t happen here in the US.  I keep telling my wife we need to move to the Netherlands, but it’s cheaper to live

“That Guy” grew up in Canada, and moved to the Netherlands. I grew up in the US, and my wife is from the Netherlands, so I’ve seen how different things are there compared to here. What “That Guy” is showing is what makes people happy. And it just works better. There’s a shopping center within walking distance for

Not going to answer all of that, but streets are not supposed to scale. You provide roads for getting from one place to another, and then streets to get around places. (place = somewhere occupied by humans, not cars)

I live in Montreal, and when I went to visit in-laws in OKC, I was surprised to see no sidewalk. You just could not walk anywhere! (Same for Dallas, once outside the downtown area).

If woman no longer means adult human female, or if one can’t argue that women share a set of experience in this world and particular historical oppression only for having been born female, does that remove the very basis of women’s rights? Should women’s safe spaces like rape and domestic violence shelters allow

There is a reason that men and women have separate facilities, sports, safe spaces, etc. It is because women and men are biologically different and women are at a very real physical disadvantage when it comes to pretty much all aspects of living on earth with men.

I’m disappointed that a feminist website won’t even consider a discussion about why many feminist have legitimate concerns about this.

Why should women stop caring about sport? (It’s only women this is being aimed at - no one tells men to stop caring about sport. Trans men aren’t dominating men’s leagues.) Professional sport is a path out of poverty for many people, particularly PoC. But yeah, who cares? Female athletes should just “get a life” and

These are serious questions, no sarcasm - is no one here at least slightly concerned by the fact that there are so many transgender athletes succeeding in female sports, yet we aren’t seeing the same happen in men’s sports?

My friend was in a similar situation but instead of using misogynistic language, she used racist language to disparage her exes new girlfriend. Using misogynistic language perpetuates misogyny in a broader societal context, the horribleness of the person you are aiming your insults at is not relevant.

I grew up in an old Victorian and certain windows used to do that, especially the one in my parents’ bedroom! It has something to do with the old sashes and weights in the window, but if you didn’t lock the top, it would jump up exactly like that. You could get it to stay down briefly, but not for long.  For the same

Now playing

backstory: the school I work at in Vancouver, BC is being seismically upgraded, as are many because many of the schools built in VSB are gaining on 100 years old. In March (2020), before spring break, we all tirelessly packed up our entire classrooms in boxes to be moved over Spring Break to our ‘new school’ for the

I’m not disputing that hitting a bear in one would have ended badly.

But honestly it scares me a little that to americans a Yaris is a “tiny” car.

My sister and her husband are foster parents to two little girls, and have two biological children of their own. They are hoping to adopt the girls but needed a bigger house for that to be a possibility. They started searching and found a giant house that used to be owned by a group of priests in the area. They housed

First (and most important), I am so sorry for that which you endured. That any child has endured this is one of the most damning aspects of being human in this world. And I truly hope that you have found some measure of peace and healing in the interim. Thank you for eloquently expressing your vantage point.

I’m a survivor of CSA. I am horrified that the media continues to dismiss anything related to pedophilia simply because conservatives are campaigning for it.

Here is the thing for me, and I already know some of you will attack me for it, but I will say it anyway:

I grew up in a culture where mixed nude saunas were a thing. I also entered puberty extremely early. I was NINE years old the first time a man blocked me in a swimming pool corridor and felt me up. When I tried to

The best answer is to enact a federal law that says you can’t monetize your kids - adopted or not - until they are 18.

So you’d have to be subscribed to Disney+ AND pay and extra $10-$15 on top of that? Pass. Put it on all the online VOD services (iTunes, Vudu, etc.).