
I figured you wouldn’t like some of the sources. I see a lot of cherry-picking on both sides, unfortunately. As a woman with a masculinized brain in a female body, I see the argument that trans are people with brains that don’t match their bodies as false and unhelpful, too. Having a brain that doesn’t match sex

I’m glad to hear the rate of regret is so low.

As eugenics.

I used the word “babies” because I couldn’t figure out what word to use. I knew it would come across wrong. Fetuses is better, I guess.

Does selective abortion of disabled babies count?

I’m autistic, and see autistic people being vulnerable to being told to transition to solve their problems. (By some current definitions of trans, we are all potentially trans since we are all gender queer, especially autistic women.) Also, in the recent survey of 200+ detransitioned trans men, they were

It’s annoying, isn’t it? Every time they talk about her, out come the disclaimers about how she was a eugenicist and we’re totally not like that anymore.

Farmers aren’t making any money at it, from the government stats I’ve seen. Alberta is rich from oil, not from agriculture.

Those crappy states produce a lot of food. That’s not a bad thing. Move away from industrial agriculture (permaculture for the win!) and they might even make a lot of money at it.

He’s making very poor role choices, or at least he has been, mostly films most people would not want to see. It’s possible Skull Island will be good for him, but he may also be miscast in it. (I suspect he’s probably miscast.) He should play clever anti-hero types as much as possible, and tease people instead of

Talk to them, if you trust them. Do you have a female supervisor? Are there other female supervisors? What are they going to do?

If your work is essential, show up for work. Just drop everything that isn’t essential, like housework.

There are lots of industries where people aren’t allowed to strike, because of this. Most people will get that.

Even one day is a demonstration of how important women’s work is. A wakeup call. And it’s not as if staying off the job until things change is going to work. Change will take longer than that.

After all those Harper governments with the vote split on the left? Yes, a lot of us cared about electoral reform a lot. I’m not a millenial and I’m still furious he backed down on it.

My pedantic concern about this issue is the conflation of gender with sex. Even if everyone were never discriminated against on the basis of gender or gender expression, there would still be a need for accommodation on the basis of sex, in at least some areas (not necessarily washrooms, but definitely in employment

It’s a privacy issue. Boys may feel awkward using urinals with transboys around to see them. If they didn’t know this kid was trans, they probably wouldn’t care, but knowing it may weird them out. Not all men are ok with transmen in their washrooms either.

I don’t care if she’s human garbage or not. Anyone who has to put up with someone like Trump gets at least some sympathy from me, even if I don’t like anything else about the person.

No, but I have no idea how employable she is. I’ve lived with decades of food insecurity (not the same as starving to death), as do lots of other people. Probably she’s safe because she’s famous and there’s a limit to how badly she can be treated. The question is: does she feel safe from poverty? And how badly does

Does she have a job? Can she get one? Can she afford to make rent? Eat? I was talking about financial independence, not being rich. (Though growing up rich makes it harder to do well on a low income - there are a lot of habits to change to make it work.)