
My hypothesis about the CGI of Terminator 2 (91) and Jurassic Park (93), both unbelievably great in relation to what came immediately later, is that those two movies were -it- at the time. CGI still wasn’t really a thing so the render farms weren’t farms so much as they were artisanal farmers markets.

P.S. I polled two biological oceanography PhDs, and the one who specializes in algae says anything that eats algae is a predator, while the one who specializes in zooplankton is understandably less liberal with the term but concedes that if something hunts and kills a swimming protist, he’d count that as predation as

No. You’re thinking of some other site, possibly made of straw.

Hadn’t planned on it... but you just gave me an idea for my next stretch goal! Thanks internet stranger!

Good volume, excellent distance, perfect finish.

It was a comment on the vertical video.

babies are gross

When was the last time you watched it?

Because on this site either it’s the best thing ever or it’s the worst thing ever. There’s no middle ground.

I’m relying on a five-year-old memory here, but Zoe Saldana is outstanding as Neytiri.

I remember. It was the week I bought the [2D] Blu-ray, circa 2011 or so. was pretty underwhelming.

And, I’m still excited for a sequel. It really just tells me that this was a movie that was made for the theatrical medium. If Avatar were out in IMAX 3D again today, I’d be there promptly.

No, you’re not. I’m pretty excited for a sequel after what a visual feast the first one was. See also: The comments section of every other article about Avatar since 2009 with that same dismissive line in it.

I don’t really understand how “nobody cares about Avatar” became the accepted wisdom, but it’s getting a bit

Am I seriously the only person who loved Avatar? It was a great visual experience, I loved the cast and the characters and I am looking forward to the sequels. Everyone shits on the “retold story for a plot” idea even though half the movies out today do the same thing. Yes it’s seven years after the release, but

After 8 years of “Thanks, Obama” I honestly don’t fucking care if people rain shit on Trump for every second of the next four.

Let me answer your question with another question. How long did “the sky is falling, the end is nigh!” rhetoric from the conservative party last when Obama was elected president?

Get used to it, Jennifer.

When I was at a paper, working in sports, I somehow switched the names of the teams in the lead paragraph, but not the rest of the story. Team A 20, Team B 14 - in reality Team B won 20-14. It must have been confusing as hell to read, but it got by the copy desk (things were busy Friday night during football season).

I’ve been thinking back to Daniel Webster the last few days, too.

The irony here is that you’d think these people would be tickled to death that their lil’ Dictator wannabe won... right? Nope. They’re just as angry as they ever were and still blaming “the liberals” for everything.