555 bucks for a pair of sunglasses? Do these people live on a planet orbiting Eta Carinae or something?
555 bucks for a pair of sunglasses? Do these people live on a planet orbiting Eta Carinae or something?
No, I'm a scientist and I actually think that the misuse of antibiotics is a huge public health issue, and along with anti-vaccination idiots, the sort of nonsense that's probably going to end our civilization. But trying to teach the American public science is harder than teaching a dog Cantonese, and so faced with…
Baa baa CPAC, have you any fools?
Yes sir, yes sir, Palin and Cruz.
One for the racists and one for the lame
And one for the rednecks who live down the lane.
Baa baa CPAC, have you any fools?
Yes sir, yes sir, they're all tools.
Antibiotics are a powerful and much abused medical weapon.
She's not going to like how the book ends.
I just wish people would stop pretending Lena Dunham is talented and feminist. Her show represents everything wrong with people these days, horribly unlikable raging narcissists who talk at each other rather than with each other, who pretend they're deep and world changing when in reality they're just shallow…
I so want to be crazy about Lena. She's normally proportioned, has some interesting things to say, and seems to be an independent spirit. But she also smacks of "overprivileged girl slumming". It's very easy to dress how you want, talk how you want, and buy lots of cute clothes and live in a picturesque apartment in a…
#LiesToldByMales: "The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa."
When do you offer 10 grand for an unedited rehearsal tape?
Social worker PSA:
I give not the ass of a rat if the NSA's spying on my data traffic. Hope they like cat pictures, papers on psychoacoustics and the application of cognitive science to give organisms, and pirated obscure Eastern-European horror movies.
I can only tell you why I enjoyed watching SVU; others might have entirely different reasons. But, I mainlined that shit after my rape. I couldn't get enough of seeing Benson and Stabler care about the victim, of seeing them try their damndest to get justice. It was so cathartic to me to see justice meted out…
Oh wow!
Straight, cisgender individuals will, for the foreseeable future, have the privilege of being able to toss off comments about, "and this is news?" or "and we should care because?" when they do not have to deal with the personal experiences of being marginalised on account of orientation or gender identity.
alternate title: Holes 2
I respectfully disagree. I believe that the intent underpinning an act has very little to do with the real impact of that act, not to mention how it is received. For instance, at work earlier today, I accidentally left a coworker off the email distribution list for a project our departments are working on jointly. …
"Please forgive us if we innocently adorn ourselves in your beautiful things."
Overreacting, and for the wrong reason. Jeesh Louise!