
Much though it is really important to put this crime in the context of a dangerous and hateful men's rights movement, can we please put the "lol fedora" jokes on hold and show some respect toward the victims of this act of terrorism? He didn't just post a humorously stupid video. He murdered women because of their

I don't have a burn book. I do it like the guy in Memento and just tattoo myself all over. There's a special place on my ass that reads "FLUTERDALE: REMEMBER HOW SHE'S WRONGED YOU."

He's mine, too. Don't tell me though, because when I find out I'm going to be extremely bitchy and needlessly petty about the whole thing.

Lately? She's always been like this.

It also troubles me immensely when someone of a privileged group romanticizes membership in a marginalized group. It usually occurs in those who misguidedly believe that just being black or gay or whatever automatically makes a person different and therefore interesting. And if there was any room for doubt, yes, I'm

I approve of the quote. Most viewers will understand it to be a kind memorial to the victims, and there's a darker - but important - message for those who are more informed. We should never forget the devastating consequences of mixing fundamentalist religion with desperation.

Casually mention your favorite Peanuts character was Peppermint Patty. She will then know you're "cool,"

Obviously, the weed was much better than she seemed to think if calling the cops seemed like a solid decision.

People who romanticizing the 50's and 60's are the worst. I can understand praising those time periods if you're a straight, Christian white able-bodied male, but if you're anything outside of that, you need to A) love yourself and B) educate yourself, most importantly.

I think we can all agree that Russian-Armenian miscegenation is the root of all evil. I mean, good God, who wants to see Armenian man-nose on a little girl? Thank you, extremely-limited-worldview-Barbie, for giving voice to the downtrodden.

They really shouldn't have been sleeping without protective headgear if they didn't want to be hit in the head by hammers. I mean, jesus, can you blame the poor guy? These horrible women, just lying around with uncovered heads, practically begging to be assaulted... when will women learn that attacking women with

Or is he a graduate of the Derek Zoolander Center for Kids Who Can't Read Good and Wanna Learn to Do Other Stuff Good Too?


Gawd, talk about clickbait. You, as a writer for a blog that is part of an actual business, have a moral, ethical, and legal obligation (spoiler: I have no idea what any of those words mean) to write about the things I want you to write about, all the time until the end of time. Now let me fixate on a typo you made

As a Christian (although that in no way makes me an expert on anything), I want to state that I feel it is actually very important that the headline and article mentions the school being a Christian school. No, it isn't an unfair attempt to single out Christians as all being hypocritical but it is pointing out this

I think you're all missing the bigger picture here. It's probable that all of that creativity wasn't his, but was one of the mice sitting under his hat the whole time.

I'm on them, too, and I get annoyed when others aren't use that phrase as some way to explain their idiocy or "bad behavior". I am just looking out for my community. It's bad enough to deal with stigmas. (I hope you get your refills soon. I'm down to one because my psychiatrist won't give me refills on one of mine

Popularity does not correlate to quality or truth value - otherwise society would still subscribe to Humorism and Twilight would be a literary masterpiece.

I'd better jump in and welcome this news before reading the whole article. You know, in case it reveals a gigantic corporate disappointment just before the end.

I actually had a weird opposite experience to a lot of this. When I was single, I was all, "I really want to be with someone who's had some life experience." What happened? Wound up with someone who (at the time) was a virgin who'd only been in one relationship. I mean, don't get me wrong - it totally worked out.