Not worth bringing up body chemistry. Yes, it varies, but you can't change it and bringing it up is more of an easy out, rather than a solution.
Not worth bringing up body chemistry. Yes, it varies, but you can't change it and bringing it up is more of an easy out, rather than a solution.
Exactly, you should be changing your diet and work out for your health, not your appearance. Focus on your BP and strength and the rest will come naturally. At least in my experience; after working out food just isn't as appetizing. That is, after a long bike ride you feel like eating a plate of pasta, not a Big Mac.…
It takes time to burn fat, time the body doesn't have so instead it burns carbs.
If you want to pay for it, be my guest. Otherwise, let's spend the money on something useful, like decent teachers for the students once they get to school.
"Soccer" is British slang for Association Football. #corrections
Anyone else surprised it wasn't a Fung Wah bus?
ITT, people who know nothing about S&D. No, pay increases do not automatically make better drivers, but it increases competition for the job and gives the company more choices in choosing a competent driver.
19 H6 engines, 38 turbos. 42 wheel drive. It'd be a beast on the dragstrip.
And that means someone one's not going to make a phone call while they're still driving? Use your head, man. There's a difference between confronting someone and making a phone call.
A real jack, jack stands, and plywood. 1) I've seen a scissor jack fold 2) Never trust a jack 3) weight distribution. Jacks and stands will do no good if they sink.
Shitty ute conversions?
Does Jalopnik frown upon any form of motorsport that doesn't involve a Miata? Wait, scratch out Miata and replace it with BRZ.
Also tied to the hacking, that hackers will use elaborate GUIs (see The Italian Job). In reality, I'd be surprised (depending on the situation) if there would even be a GUI at all. But I guess white text on a black screen isn't too dramatic.
Still $5 for something that should be free. I'll stick to PC. More realistic anyways.
WTF? How is this not 80%+ CP? Halve the price of the car and I might make it a winter beater.
According to Top Gear a Lotus will destroy it in the corners.
I'm not an expert, but isn't STP standard on all Ethernet networks?
Yes, but what if there's turns involved?
Could be something like Spanning Tree Protocol. Basic network overhead just to keep the network up.
I also shoplift all my food.