
Is anybody surprised that under-powered and underweight cars perform better while drafting?

Better off looking at Jeeps. Just the availability of parts makes it better.

When there's a cop behind me I drive the speed limit. When there's a tool in a Crown Vic trying to look like a cop, I do 15 below.

Yes, when you're not ignorant.

GoProFace, for people who don't know how handle video files with the exception of uploading the raw file to youtube.

Yeah, pretty much every one besides Windows Movie Maker.

Or you could just suck the air out of the bag.

So if you're in the market for a car that's a few years old, would you recommend STi or Evo? Why?

Could you tell me the use of a gasoline powered engine with no gas outside of liquor store? It's not a matter of perspective.

That's why you would get enough to get you to cheaper fuel. Regardless, it's still more useful than a gasoline powered car with a dry tank outside a liquor store.

The Miata's lightweight and low power make it an excellent track vehicle.

Flatter windshields make the A-pillar weaker, right? (A 60 degree angle being stronger than, say, a 30?) Hence, the fattening of the pillar that now blinds me when I'm turning left.

Run out of gas next to a liquor store? No problem.

No, it's all a giant reddit repost, including r/atheism.

Placebo is a hell of a drug.

Time is money. If you're in IKEA you're already blowing your money, why waste more?

I have yet to be able to drive any transmission as smooth as I can with a clutch.

I just noticed Joe Biden has a fake cowl induction scoop.

I would presume because metal on asphalt isn't that sticky.

30 seconds in shows just how well those tires are hooking up.