
Don't they have signs and rather large white lines painted across the road a quarter mile apart to warn you?

Gauges should start at 7 O' clock, not 1. And clockwise only.

Until you spend your paycheck and get slammed by VAT.

GM: Best engineers; Worst management.

The difference is that screens can show customizable information. If you're in traffic, the car could make the speedo smaller and water temp (HA!) bigger. Similarly, it could just never oil pressure, unless something doesn't seem right, at which point the oil pressure "gauge" gets bigger, changes color, flashes, etc.

If you didn't know much about cars, you might think it was the same model.

All of Armstrong's competitors did the same thing he did. Only reason why his titles were stripped were because he beat the French at their own race and this upset them.

There's two ends to every cable.

+1 to Defraggler.

But what if you want to see what's in front of you when you're backing up?

This has a 327 and M-21. Maybe something bigger, with M-22, would warrant the price. I'd pass, you can buy much more muscle for less.

Tesla has gear reduction, just not adjustable gear reduction.

I can confirm that the wheels are not round in the photos.

Wear sweatpants.

Yes, but on a 4WD car all the wheels turn at the same speed (assuming locked diffs). It's impossible for any wheel turn at a different rate than any other one.

That's amazing. Ok, great argument for cutting springs.

Not when they're mechanically forced to turn the same speed.

How does a 4WD lock only one tire? (assuming locked diffs)

Fewer coils, less resistance.

Ebay, completed sales. There's also Edmunds. KBB isn't bad if you're a seller, as long as you understand how it relates to the actual market. If the buyer's clueless than you can have a bit of extra leverage with it, too.