
Can’t have a car accident if you walk on the highway.

How do I know if I’ve had a seizure?

Pretty sure that’s Star Wars cosplay.

It’s to protect Trump from himself.

It’s only downhill from here.

For a movie about the fastest man alive, this is the slowest fucking movie to get going.

Still nothing on the Xbox store, not even a mention. They really should have added a time.

Remember when it was gonna be a movie?


hopefully both parties can come to some sort of understanding....there’s a term for it...but it eludes me...

That’s what happens when you fracture the player base.

Seriously? That’s like complaining about free Xbox Games with Gold or PS Plus games.

Never played the original but it looks like it’s definitely an original Xbox game. Wonder how this style of gameplay will hold up...

Google: Do you even Lyft bro?

If you keep letting them get better then they will.

Marvel is a business first and a social champion distant 7th.

This deserves more stars!

Did they demand they retire the 370z and make a 390z?

I heard that in Anthony Hopkin’s voice because Transformers.

We should have a contest like that too.