
This is awesome and the people complaining did not grow up with the NES.

Ports on ports on ports.

I guess we can’t have two Odysseys on the Switch...

Can’t see shit Captain.

Seems like there will be plenty of clouds on the horizon but no squalls.

Bells on bells on bells!

I...can’t even.

I’m sorry Stephen but we’re going to have to ask you to step down. Peter Parker will be taking your place.

*clutches senecio rowleyanus*

It’s the only way to get into Flavortown.

Superman is Kryptonian.

I had a small stroke reading that paragraph.

Too rich for my blood.

Say what you will about the movies, Cavill was a good Superman given what he had to work with.

I’ll start the bidding at $25.



It’s probably more than just her gender.

Most of the television population has no clue what the Witcher is and won’t even notice. 

How about Shirtless Spider-Man?

Emilia Clarke makes every single movie she is in completely bomb. So...yeah that makes sense.