
So sad that Ray's buddy first Forry Ackerman had so much of his collection stolen, and then all of that wonderful stuff that remained (along with a lot of crap) was also auctioned off.

Hah. No, Disney would just annihilate the NFL. They work on a completely different corporate level. The NFL can't get a football team into LA. Disney gets enormous theme parks built in China. IN CHINA. That involves working a system that Goodell couldn't even begin to comprehend.

The Ravens didn't present a united front.

Serious question: Is anyone else getting the feeling that ESPN is starting to be of the opinion "given the money we pay the NFL, we're not the monkey who dances when we're told to — you are, Roger and company"? They've been awfully aggressive with this story....

"promptly referred"

Look, Penn State, we know you're awful. Okay? We know. You can let us focus on Rice and Goodell for a couple days. Don't be jealous. It doesn't mean we've moved you down a peg on the list of terrible people.

The students need to relax—showering praise is what got them sanctioned in the first place.

I've always thought that the problem is the baseball season is just too damn long and too many games. The season is six months and then tack on the playoffs. there is 162 games, so no one game feels like it is that important, which means collectively no games are important, which means you follow the team far more

For fuck snakes

I think I speak for everyone: Fuck cyclists!

Spotted Cow is overrated, but Fat Squirrel is terrific. And I hate New Glarus as their owner is a pretty huge c—t.

RELAX. I do not care for your showy nit-picking. You can't make me care for it. Now please let's just drop this.

Nope, disagree, really do still think you were looking to show-off your knowledge of board of trade minutiae that means very little to the average drinker. But sure, I read and tolerated your comment, man. I got a dismiss button, I didn't hit it. See you around, for real.

This isn't a list of good beers. This is a list of underrated beers, IE rated worse than they actually are.

Agreed. Coors is fucking tasty. The generic, blind hatred of all domestic macros is tiring.

Don't hate on the Coors, hippy boy

Waiting for mustachioed newcomer Werdna Elddib to take the boat racing scene by storm.

Let's just play one inning today.

The problem is that the Cardinals are an extremely wealthy team (5th in revenue in 2013) that can compete for free agents with the Yankees, Red Sox and Dodgers (and the Cubs). They should be given a "competitive balance" pick just because St. Louis is a shit hole?