
“I’ve lived here my whole life and been around plenty of insufferable Seattle sports fans and I’ve never heard anyone say that.”

That’s not really a question. LeBron > Bird, and it’s not particularly close.

LeBron is a top 3 player all time. And saying merely “top 3" may be underselling him.


If you really can’t tell, you’re not very smart.

“I’m not ashamed to admit he’s great.”

The most upsetting part of all of this is the fact that the Diamondbacks are wearing dark gray uniforms.

Oh, honey...

Full credit to both of you.

I’d rather my brother post every single picture of his kid pooping on a big boy potty than see a grown man post about his dodgeball team.

90 and 92 #actually

The game’s most crucial moment went unnoticed at the time. With about a minute remaining, UNI’s senior guard Matt Bohannon left with a knee injury. Bohannon handles the Panthers’ inbounds passes in crucial late-game situations, has for years. Without him, they looked lost.


Reading that excerpt reminded me how much I don’t miss his writing.

I kid... but only bc it’s funny

Uh, Jay? That IS the proper time to kid about something.

Please shut up.

Don’t you mean 80 furlongs?

If you haven’t seen the movie, you should probably just shut the fuck up about how good it is or isn’t.

Terrible timing, given their spot in the Western Conference standings. They’re gonna be slytherin down to the 5 seed soon.

This is fantastic.