North America is getting both, just not the United States of America (Mexico get's both models)
North America is getting both, just not the United States of America (Mexico get's both models)
Wrong post
Fast solution:
I think Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan and Britney spears would appreciate the lower windshield, more crotch shots with no effort of getting out of the car...
Hey Jason, I think this needs a name, I propose "The Jason", following the example of exquisite car design
Dear Jason. I agree that it's stupid to keep the amber part on the tail light, but two things; first, you need a dash cam, and second you are lucky to live in a country there they know that the stem behind the wheel is. In Mexico they are scared shitless of moving that lever as the car starts making some "strange"…
It's very common to see this method in rallies. I think they over did it with the ether.
Form my personal experience, whenever parking has been monetized and given to private companies the one impossible to park streets suddenly have free space almost every time you need it. For me, as a user is far better than people hoarding parking. If it's a company who will pay money to the city I live in (for them…
As long as it remains cold.
I don't trust a valet with anything. Down here (read Mexico City) there's a plague of valet parking services for everything. They steal everything you don't declare, take your car on their errands and hoon it (right in front of you) Our new office also has valet service (if you aren't lucky enough to find a self…
I had a 1984 Tempo (well my family had it) I learned to drive in it, but I must say the clutch in this car seemed to be made out of cardboard.
And surely the prosecutor never had oral sex (being so respectful of the law). This kind of technicalities are the biggest problem with the "justice" system.. The roomie could have easily procured other means of transportation if his rommie denied to loan his car.
I can't believe she get's distracted so easily, I had a GF that loved to go down on me while I was on the freeway (at Mexican standard speed/read way over the limit)... Never crashed but got some close encounters with the median
You just got fined $70,000 Imaginary Dollars