
For some reason when I click on the link the price for the 200Gb SD shows $58 instead of $44

For some reason when I click on the link the price for the 200Gb SD shows $58 instead of $44

It reminded me of HR Giger for some reason.

The Model X is capable of moving ahead so fast, so quickly that I was able to hit 80 MPH in a parking lot, by accident”

I think nobody is wining with this current situation. Everyone is getting either killed of shafted by the government.

Is this the drivers helmet merging with the car body? Way cool if it is.

There's a function that greatly helps to avoid running red lights. Before turning to amber have the light flash in green. It helps a lot to assess if you'll be able to get thru. Amber to red (IMHO) contributes to very awkward hard breaking. I hate the green-amber-light in the US.

Let this be a warning to any squirrel that thinks about messing with my car

Dear Mr Torch, you never cease to surprise me (y seguro también hablas español). Maybe with the embargo being lifted you could trade a reliable brown Camry for a unique Buick/Lada Frankenstein!! There's always a silver lining. I think there's a huge opportunity for the Cubans and car enthusiasts to make the best out

It's British made (location and workmanship) of a German engineered car. It would be the same as calling the Jetta a Mexican car.

Every time I ze this kar I just loose it, I vant to dragon ze shit out of it!!!!

So it's time to buy this, and change into my black suit with black tie.

Point taken

I actually like this, I agree with other posts regarding a physical interface (at least for the driver). I like touchscreens, but I also prefer a haptic response from the controls.

And Mexico it takes ∞. All the money is stolen by the politicians and it never gets built.

It must be great for morale, I bet a few guys from the office would like to shot an AK-47 to his boss without the consequences, it must be a great escape valve (I know I would like to do this with a few of my ex bosses)

Taylor Swift is dead to me. DEAD I SAY.

Wrong eyes..... there I've fixed.... kind of

Realy? I have a lot of examples that I love

Well teenage aliens