
For some reason when I click on the link the price for the 200Gb SD shows $58 instead of $44

For some reason when I click on the link the price for the 200Gb SD shows $58 instead of $44

This is why we need to keep people from driving, one asshole will cause a traffic jam downstream and go his merry way, while the rest of the people behind will suffer from it.

This is either the most nonsense I’ve ever heard, or it’s so beyond my intelligence level that I just can’t make sense of it. Hopefully it’s the first, if not, Hail computer overlords!!!

Or just fell under the radar detection floor

So basically this is the equivalent of a “demonic possession” of a Bug. They will control it against it’s will (if they have such). It must be a very shitty experience

Only a year late. Im sure Nike was pushing to release this back on Oct 25th last year

It reminded me of HR Giger for some reason.

There’s actually a paradox that states something similar with cause and effect. A man shots another man (in another planet) with a bullet that travels faster than light (thus arriving before it was shot) but misses. The man in the other planet fires a faster than light bullet that arrives before the first man shots in

I was utterly disappointed by Cap Phasma, it seems like she was lost in edition

That’s my thought also

It’s either Luke’s or Leia’s but it’s not very clear

Care to share your source?

It’s been a while since the last time I heard that word. Also the word defenestration (throwing someone out of a window). This guy really wanted to use a fancy word




Well for a startup company this is a big way to say “We’re here”, I’m sure they covered their tracks before going public. It’s a great marketing idea, and if they’re smart enough they dotted all the i’s. If they didn’t they better call their former employers and beg for their job back.

That of Ferrari’s, but they don’t require a lot of outside help

That would truly disturb me, especially the early versions