
This was a 6.5 and thank God for the constant quakes. I hate the feeling of waking up to a big quake in my apartment, last one was around 3am and a few pictures fell.

Priceless!!!! I would have done the same thing, talk about cool dads

Seems like a great car. I'm a fan of Audi, but their quatro AWD is disconcerting at times. The only but I have for this car is the color. That baby blue makes it look soft. Probably a good color if you want to pull over next to a guy in a boxter and show him a thing or two

I don't think they have hearts, but a pair of balls are there, needed to drive the tail fast.

Well he might get lucky if he takes GHB and goes to a gay bar

Or it can get you some jail time

Ouch, as long as death is swift you are on the safe side..... if you are just left totally isolated in the house you might want to prepare your case of "honey, we really need to eat your mom"

I agree completely, still it's a hell of a way to make yourself a millionaire, if you fail in a prediction you can always take a mulligan and reschedule the end of the world. After a while people always remember just the ones you got right.

For the same reason the walls and floor are made of rubber. Anyone inside the capsule would experience the feeling of being an ice cube in a Martini shaker.

Well there was a prophet (a lady dying of cancer) that predicted the Japan Earthquake/tsunami (according to a coworker of my brother), when she told him this he just laughed and dismissed her prophecies. Then she told him of an after shock in Japan and a reasonable size earthquake at the same time in Mexico... which

I agree, just the Philippines are comprised of 7107 islands.

I agree, for the price tag you expect it to be a nicer place. They could do without a lot of the exotic materials if they had a better design and interior build quality.

As long as Lincoln doesn't pull a Chris Harris on you we are cool

Save the earth. F***k the people

Just in the john

I personally think that the gun issue in the constitution responded to a different reality that the one faced today by the US, when foreign forces threatened the very existence of the country and it lacked the army to defend itself. Now fast forward to the most powerful army of the world and the argument of regular

Now playing

Just remember the golden rules of Dick pics

You should try the spanish version of navigation. The voice cracks me up and it still uses the language in a strange way like "gire a la derecha en uno kilómetro"

Das phallus

The plot reminded me of Neon Genesis Evangelion