
That is an admirable stance to take and I can respect that.
However what are your thoughts on someone who thinks liking Bayonetta or Suckerpunch (great movie btw, it annoys me how many people don’t get it) is in fact contributing to a culture that has contempt for women? 

Ok cool. So it is safe to say I understand your argument.
Doing a quick read of the authors other works on this topic I don’t think you share this definition.
Lets take Bayonetta for example.
If she finds it sexist and Bob enjoys it then Bob is being complicit in a serious social problem: the reduction of women in to

Ok I think I understand where you are coming from. I do think your philosophy here is pretty unique and not shared by many people however.
First lets make sure I understand it.
For the sake of argument lets take the new Tomb Raider for example.
I don’t really know your feeling on the game but lets run with this anyway.

Thank you for this enjoyable conversation, mostly I just get people calling me names and ignoring the conversation.

You might not care but the author seems to care very much. hell her roommate felt the need to defend herself/himself.
Let me put it this way.
If my wifes old boyfriend walked in to find her watching Free (a

I was under the impression the critique of fan service was more aimed at people like you...
people who are made uncomfortable by fan service. 

Fun fact!
Did you know the Handmaid was something of a critisim of this form of anti-sex feminism? Bit more to it then just that, like about how feminism should not ally itself with religion to try and control sexuality. 

Just so long as they don’t enjoy it for the boobs is more then a little implied.

I find the idea of people needing an excuse at all to be deeply disturbing.

You stop worrying and love the bomb.
Is it satire is unimportant. Why should authors be afraid of being “called out” anyway?
You ask what context excuse it and what don’t... I ask why we feel it must be excused at all?
Why are we so shameful of sexual enjoyment we feel the need to pretend at all?
Being turned on is not a

To an extant yes, I do find this accusation of sexually charged enjoyment as unholy/slutty, something of an attack on my person.... are you really saying it is not? 
You find this entertainment sexist correct? So it would be safe to assume that my wife who enjoys this form of entertainment (raunchy and all) as

“Getting into a friendly disagreement with a friend isn’t exactly the same thing as trying to force your will on other people.”
But taking a friend to a café in hopes that it proves your point, of what point that was exactly I am not sure, maybe that some people find sexy fun? Also getting frustrated that people enjoy

What part? That the author wants to influence others view on erotic entertainment or that the authors sexual politics are disapproving of even friends who enjoy a show with raunchy sexy fun?
Looks less like a leap and more like baby steps to me. 

Fan service in western movies have been around for a long time. Good anime isn’t taken seriously in the west for many reasons. The biggest being that it is seen as a cartoon.  

I would say all of you miss the point of the show.
You can’t divorce the show from the boobs, they are a fun aspect of the that help give it it’s lighthearted charm.  

Few people are watching this for sexy big boobs but the show would be less without them.
This is not pin up sexy, this is tongue in cheek funny sexy.

Kill La Kill is a surprisingly clever show. I would honestly say it is more Art then entertainment.

Well you are defiantly not wrong... I however had a similar train of thought about being a grown man wondering around and how much more dangerous it is for me then for a women.

She is also your granddaughter...

Feminist forums also the best place to find out about celebrity nudity if you are in to that kink.... honestly how is this news?

“Today in juvenile patriarchy news, a boy (ew) ended up winning a tech competition that’s part of a program meant for girls.”
God I hope you are just being funny but I honestly can’t tell most days.

How old is the Kid? Would it bother you if a guy said he thought the girl was hot? Why or why not?