
I have been tempted to try picking it back up but felt so burned after launch...
I have two big question
1) Do the outfits still look like crap? I distinctly remember cow armor.
2) Is the combat still a copy of WoW and without any awsome flashy powers?

A gender swaped story sounds kinda cool.

I like the fact she is standing her ground on not being called a feminist.

You know she just might not want to be labeled a feminist and feels that a feminist is not the best description for her beliefs. The openended definition of feminism is pretty off putting to a lot of people.
Why is she wrong if she feels the word feminst is exclusionary and prefers the word huminist?

My gods.... Yah she is doing all the right things but she failed to self identify as part of your tribe....the shame.

Or she disagrees with your definition of a feminist

Or you are wrong and she did mean Humanism

I highly disagree. Just becouse a man fucks a women, everyone she has had sex with is now a right for the man to know?

“You gave your shit away”

:dry: Yah... very much convined now :/dry:

I am pretty sure that will always be said when ever someone has a disagreement on the topic.
It looks more like a silancing tactic then real advice to me.

There are so many branches of feminism that calling yourself is pretty much meaningless.

Butt do you have his permision to look at this photo?

Are you objectifing him?
Honestly I wonder if you think he is less then human now or if you just like his butt.

I keep being told we need to have a dialog about race... but I am also told we need to just shut up and listen.
Listening only works if we take what someone says as fact.

Teens running around in revealing clothes. How dare they stand up to my patrearchy powers in such a way. Curse you and your need for equal rights! However you can’t fully defeat me and my gender privlage. After all I demand on behalf of the cis-male power given to me that you don’t also ware short shorts!

So just like the rest of Tumblr then?

Overall sounds great. I would love to be so privlaged as to afford having loyalty to a LAC.
Sadly I am poor and it is a woman only school.
Also what do they teach at a libreal arts school?

Yah, you just have to make sure balls don’t touch is all.
threesomes are harder then moresomes imo.

I get what you are saying and yah pretty much everyone here is strawmaning your argument.
Here however is the real issue. When I was a teen went to a party and passed out.
Anyway as I was laying there in this guys backyard one guy came up to me and sexualy assulted me.
Was it dumb of me to get to the point I would pass