
I am sure you are a resonable person. I am sort of a troll as in I like a good fight, however I feel pretty strongly about sex and consent. Whensome comes in and says you can’t have sex unless both party are enjoying it I call bullshit just like I would if someone ame in and said you can’t have sex unless you are in

So pretty much every women/man who gives head hoping for a little quid pro quo, or even just to be nice is what exactly?
I understand the sentiment but your stance is not realistic and sound simaler to moral shaming.

So doing sex “wrong” is rape?

Consent is easy and sexy or something.

Honestly the guy hit every note to being a rapist but one imo, you don’t feel you lacked agency.
That last one makes it not rape in my book but many people will disagre and I can respect that.

Now you have done it.

If we are being honest back in highschool I was pretty good with the girls... but I also fell in to that trap kinda. It was not the answer I was scared of but something more sinister in hindsight.
Asking her if she want to have sex is putting it all on the table in a very blunt intimadating way.
The secreat to me

I like being used. No pretense no politics, just use me like I am a toy, or better yet a servant... I am not really sure how we like our sex is important unless we are trying to show how moral we are or something.

You don’t have to understand it. I don’t understand pegging... Do I need to to understand consent?

But can they consent even if they are not having a good time?

Those are some of my fondest memories.

Honestly I am not even sure I would date someone without having sex first.

Do you honestly belive the “I kept plying her with drinks until she passed out, then me and my buddies took off her clothes and carried her naked body from party to party, but she was totally asking for it!”guys did not know what they where doing?
Do you honestly think a class lecture would have prevented this... what

Whats that look like?
This is rape, this is also rape, now go forth and rape no more!
Do you think rapists don’t know they are rapist? Do they acidently rape people?

Pretty much this. writing counter essays is how this should be done, abusing power and rules to control others just makes you an agent of the very thing they say they are fighting.

You have a source on that?

Another way of looking at it... This is why rules based on empathy need to be very very good, or someone will use it to hurt people.

Hmm could not find the “probably racist and so is this article” option.

Yahhhh wow you are just something else. So much venom but so little substance.
You have already shown you have no problem with using logic fallacy’s, I just wonder if you are arguing in bad faith to be manipulative or you just don’t know any better.
Anyway you go ahead and keep that closely guarded secrete about what

Yah I think that looks pretty right, you just don’t like it said so bluntly.