
Black Sabbath, good eye!

100% the production's fault for hiring her. This girl and her infinite chances. Meanwhile, actual talented black actresses and actors struggle to find work.

I hope this gets popular. I have an etsy shop where I only sell three-breasted bikini tops and so far business has been really slow.


Well, I think even completely tiny boobs have some room for an implant, but the sternum is a pretty small area with kind of taut skin. I imagine putting an implant in there would be like having a sports bra type uni-boob, but like under your skin....

Legitimately shocked to see Kara Brown's byline instead of Mark's.

A disgusting display of rape culture at it's "finest". The fact that these boys didn't see anything wrong with these actions is astonishing. Diminishing their actions by calling it "a stupid joke" that isn't worthy of attention is also, frankly, astonishing. This type of thing should be called out every single time it

I'm sure that there are other high schools just like Commack and the schools around it, like Smithtown, Three Village, and Huntington schools. But since getting off of Long Island, I've realized that there was a very particular kind of closemindedness and privilege in the area I grew up in that is definitely endemic

My husband and I have, during arguments, yelled at the other versions of, "I hope the next shit you take is unsatisfying! I hope you work really hard, and it's tiny! And I hope you don't realize there's no toilet paper and you don't realize until after so you have to apologize to me so I will bring you another roll!"

Now that I am pregnant, I have come to realize that pooping is a privilege, not a right. A privilege I foolishly took for granted for so long. Now, on the rare occasions I am actually able to poo, I am struck by how it is basically the greatest thing ever.

I have on occasion been tempted to photograph a particularly awesome dump, but then i remember that I don't ever want to look at anyone else's dumps and decide against imposing that on anyone else. (I had an ex who liked to photograph his poops and show them to me. He had just gone vegetarian and was super impressed

we chinese are the honey badgers of the world

Yeah, my husband used to get a fist bump and "good choice, dude!"

33 years old, don't want kids, and don't believe in god here. And I'll be fucked if I call myself childfree or an atheist. People who *~*~identify~*~* as the lack of something are worse than the shittiest of parents. How empty is your soul if you can't find anything other than *not* doing something to create your

Who do you have to justify this to? I am curious. My mother in law is not supportive of some of my life choices like working, seeking an education, or traveling (with and without my son) but I don't equate her antiquated opinions to the rest of society. I'm aware that there are some people (and maybe I am just lucky

I know recently I've realized anytime somebody I know has a kid I feel slightly betrayed because everything about our relationship is forever changed.

Agreed. That's just about the most dismissive thing I've ever heard.

They once referred to him as our new "hobby."

I understand why people would feel like they couldn't talk about this. If we're being honest about feelings here, I honestly felt no sympathy for the women above. To be honest, I saved all my sympathy for their children.

These are really great conversations to have, definitely, but as a side note, can we all just get along? I have a 15 month old son and he is obviously the biggest thing in my life right now. I go out of my way to temper the amount I talk about him at work or on social media or to my childless friends. I would