This is also my favorite juror.
This is also my favorite juror.
And you KNOW they did it on purpose! The ultimate courtroom trolling.
Juror No. 59: And he disrespected the Wu-Tang Clan.
Juror No. 52: When I walked in here today I looked at him, and in my head, that’s a snake — not knowing who he was. I just walked in and looked right at him and that’s a snake.
I have had a foster dog for 3 years. He can’t leave, and I can’t formally adopt him yet because of his behavioral issues. He was gentle and friendly in the shelter— because he’s an extremely sensitive dog, and when you separate him from me, he shuts right down. The rescue and I have worked with 3 dog trainers, and…
There’s a program in Florida that is making huge strides in cognitive behavioral therapy. Ultimately, those doctors realized that there is *no* punishment that will faze these individuals, but they are hugely motivated by pleasure. So they devised a points system for good behavior and then CONSISTENTLY rewarded the…
So a few months ago one of my dogs was attacked and seriously hurt by another dog at the dog park. The owner ran away when she saw that my dog was injured, and when I saw her again, she refused to give me her name because she said her dog only attacks dogs who deserve it, so it was clearly my dog’s fault.
This is the type of thing that gets right-wing news outlets all riled up about “intolerant liberals.” I’m certain they will bankroll lawsuits to attempt to ensure the right to express truly horrible sentiments without any repercussions.
Unless that one person voted 3-5 million times, and for Clinton, I don’t get it would really matter. Trump still lost the popular vote like the bitch he is.
I love how the popular vote is something he just can’t let go. It must be killing him. GOOD
I got a sneak peak at the investigation form the Arkansas GOP recommends doctors use to comply with this law:
So confused, and horrified, but let’s focus on confused. I investigate a woman’s pregnancy history and find out: 1. That she’s had 20 million abortions and one conviction for eating fetuses, 2. That she’s never been pregnant before, 3. That she’s had 3 healthy children, 4. That she’s actually a Martian. Okay, WTF do I…
Growing up, my siblings and I were raised by a single mother and she worked in the Church run daycare. We had been going to the church for years, and my Mom was going to a divorce support group (this being 6 years after my father cheated and walked away), when she met a man in the group. They became friends, and…
Earlier this year, I got a tattoo of a honeybee on my collar bone. Because in a beehive, the females lead. The females do the work. And they’re willing to die for the things they believe in.
In sixth grade, the regular band director took a sabbatical, and they sent in this new graduate to teach us instead. In our district, elementary went to sixth grade, and then junior high was seventh and eighth grades, so they had the junior high band director go to all the elementary schools to teach band classes to…
Unscientific poll here, Growing up MOST of my female friends had someone try to molest them as a kid.
I was sexually abused from the age of seven through eleven. My abuser started with “oops” touching outside of my clothes, escalating to full blown rape by the time I was ten. I hurt, I felt dirty, but worst of all, I was terrified because he told me that I couldn’t tell anyone and if I did, no one would believe -…
I don’t tell my story about the old guy on my paper route who would corner me and tongue kiss me. I felt I was brave and strong when I handled it by quitting the paper route. Even when my family called me a quitter and I didn’t have that cash. Even when I saw him with other ten year old girls. Even when he died,…
My husband of three years started watching My Little Pony. And I was like...okay. Whatever. That's fine. Until he started verging into brony territory. And then I got a bit concerned.