AndNowIKnowHowJoan of Arc Felt

Seriously, this argument gets put out all the time (more often in much subtler terms than hmm-her put it in, but still). That men do all the "hard" work, and women have these passive, easy, less important jobs. The general public doesn't view nursing (to take just that one example) as the

Women DO those jobs, you fucking cretin. And they've worked hard to be able to get those jobs, and have endured tremendous adversity on top of the physical difficulty of those jobs. You know what else are dirty and physically dangerous jobs? Nursing and cleaning.

My previous office - big giant huge law firm - actually had an employee whose job it was to do the grey area tasks that are no one else's job. Make the coffee in each floor's break rooms, empty the dishwashers, order lunch for lunch meetings, pick up a cake for someone's birthday, etc. The firm believed it was more

My supervisor and director were documenting all of his fuckery for approximately 6 months. Their hands were pretty much tied because he had passed informal probation. Me going to HR only expedited what would have happened to him before his one year probation was up. Also, I didn't "rat" him out. I went with a list of

This kind of thing is my favorite, because there you have it- if a woman doesn't want to do all the extra shit, it's also her responsibility to mollycoddle and train.

The answer, I think, is much more difficult to pull off: It's to raise boys differently from the start. The answer is not to teach women to care less; it's to teach men to care more.

My super awesome mom, after years of working as a successful independent consultant, recently accepted a job as an executive/c-suite level employee at a financial firm. She is the only woman executive. During her first week, another executive told her part of her duties would be to cover the phones when the

"The answer is not to teach women to care less, it's to teach men to care more"

The thing is, I just don't buy that thing about men not "being as competent" at the admin shit as women. I've heard this a lot, and it's such a crock. Answering the phone is a simple task. So are things like opening a letter and seeing that the contents are actioned or filed appropriately. Don't even get me started on

I've had 6 jobs since starting law school in 2006, and at every single workplace, this has been true, though I hadn't really ever thought about it until reading this.

I am currently working in an office with a male coworker who is on the same level as me. Administratively, I am expected to take on more because he is not as competent. This means I do a majority of answering phones, dealing with clientele and duties that involve filing, database management and even creating

At a time where minors need to submit permission slips to go on a school trip, parents should not be left in the dark when their children have an abortion.

Hey guess what, I'm a vet, and I served with ALL KINDS of douchebags. You must be one of those right-wingers that think we want and/or need people like you kissing our asses all the time and serenading us with Toby Keith while throwing "Support Our Troops" magnets at us. We don't. We are not that stupid and don't

Just to let you know, I earmarked my tax money to pay for this particular guy's pizza, so lay the fuck off. It's paid for, we got it covered.

The upside is that, if anyone has ever deserved a shitty tip, it's you!

Those ungrateful Poors. Obviously wasting money they clearly don't deserve.

Never, ever, EVER come to America.

American servers are paid a base wage of less than three dollars an hour. While it's not mandatory to tip, it's a real dick move to fail to do so.

In Europe, waiters don't live off of their tips. In America, they do. America does not require a minimum wage for certain service positions specifically because of tips. By paying two dollars for hours worth of work (which that $197 bill represents), the customer was essentially saying that the wait staff did such a

Yes. Also, jeez always tip people who work with your food or hair. Cut your own hair if you don't want to tip or go to a beauty school where someone can practice on you.