AndNowIKnowHowJoan of Arc Felt

Just thought I would throw in a quick aside.

I am really disappointed you do not see the big picture. Fox is helping us see the future. First it starts with the government forcing vaccines, then the government will start to force abortions, then B. HUSSAIN OBAMA (Kenyan Born of course) will personally create and authorize the use of "Homosexual Conversion Buses"

To be fair, chairs always do their research on each candidate and issue before they vote.

Stahhhpppp. I was having such a good day...

Thank you. This is the equivalent of a guy on the train sitting next to you and bitching about how the government is bugging everyone's brain.

He's NOBODY. Seriously, this story has no reason to exist except there's nothing else worth reporting, apparently, related to anti-vaxxers bullshit.

Yes, remember the slippery slope that started when women got the vote? Now children, dogs, cats, snakes, cows, pigs, fire trucks, libraries, chairs and the pacific ocean all have the vote.

Lets not forget that this is a hedge fund founder yapping out his ass about science, medicine and government.

Ok, maybe this is a stupid question, but why are they asking a hedge fund founder a scientific/medical question? Wouldn't, I don't know, a doctor or scientist be more appropriate? (I know, that's just crazy talk!)

he looks like the offspring of Ben Stiller & the Geico Caveman.

About a month ago, I heard what I would describe as a 'light ruckus' coming from the hallway outside of my office, where my patients sit before their appointments. I ignored it. Ten minutes later there's a Cop Knock on my office door, and a "security professional" comes in and says that he 'just chased some chick away

White gold is right. I almost cried the one day I knocked over a full bottle.

Women, Nationwide is NOT on your side.

Jesus, republicans. Even the women in "The Handmaid's Tale" got offered reproductive healthcare for chrissakes. You are literally worse for women than a novel about an anti-women religious dystopia.

They're concerned about women fucking. Men's sexual health is normal and real. That's why Jesus invented Cialis. Women's sexual health is frivolous and gross and an abomination that should not be encouraged by providing healthcare.

Why not PCARE?

Context is everything. Maybe he was like, "African Americans are like zoo animals because many of their ancestors were taken from their homes against their will, institutional racism makes them more likely to be subjected to substandard living conditions and high rates of unjust incarceration, and white people gawk at

Stop trying to make the news boring.