Oh thanks for explaining this! The females thing has always pissed me off but I could never articulate why it sounds so fucking offensive.
Oh thanks for explaining this! The females thing has always pissed me off but I could never articulate why it sounds so fucking offensive.
You may want to rethink that "I'm against late trimester abortions!" thing. Most abortions are performed in the first trimester. Those that are not (and this is a very, very small percentage of abortions) are performed because the mother's life is in danger OR because the fetus is suffering from an abnormality. We're…
Well in Gohmert's defense he knows a woman who carried her brain dead baby to term and now he's grown up to be the representative for Texas's 1st district.
Some of us were wishing that would not be any exceptions, because it was going to be no abortions after 20 weeks, when the evidence is clear those babies feel.
That's one thing that gets me about some Libertarians who vote Republican. It would be one thing if they were putting their fiscal values before their social values, but in actuality it seems a lot of them are throwing both under the bus to side with a party that supports neither. Some say they don't want to vote for…
Reproductive rights are an economic issue.
The word "female," in its primary usage, is an adjective. When you use "female" as a noun, the subject that you're referring to is erased. The Ghostbusters story used "female" before "Ghostbusters", which is entirely proper.
The use of "females" instead of "women" drives me up the motherfucking wall.
How did Raw Story get to be in on that conference call? Is that something that happens? Are the conference numbers and passcodes made public or something?
Leading to the same question I ask of anyone working-class, middle-class, or a woman, or LGBT or really, any minority in the country, even those with money: How can you align yourself with these people who do not respect you, do not want to speak to or for your interests and issues, and take every chance to remind…
Coach Outlets actually sell a special brand of thermoses monogrammed with their ugly print.
My mother is a horror show but I invited her dress shopping because she was in town for the weekend and I figured it was just a day…what could go wrong. Anyway, it wasn't too bad until we got to a dress she loved and I was "meh." Then they brought out another dress and it was "THE ONE". I loved it. It loved me.…
I never threatened in any way, but I was the mom that wanted her to try on 2 dresses I liked. She liked them fine and looked cute in them, but didn't light up like she did with THE dress.
My cousin brought her future mother-in-law shopping. The MIL stated that all strapless dresses were slutty and absolutely insisted that my cousin try on a bunch of dresses that were horrendous. The MIL didn't pay for jack shit for the wedding, so her rude bossiness was absolutely unjustified. My cousin is a saint…
Think "I'd like to speak with a manager" haircuts and (OMG real) Coach bags (from the seasons ago.)
that was my life, 6 days a week, for 5 years...
I wore my mom's dress. As she handed over the box to me, she said, "I'm sure you will have to take it in A LOT. I was very chunky in 1968." Cut to me trying on the dress a few weeks later at the alteration place. Dress fit me like a glove. That was like delayed shade.
I bought my wedding dress in a city where none of my friends or relatives lived because we had just moved when we decided to get married. I went shopping alone. I thought it was going to be sad but it was nice, I could really chose what I liked the most. When I was trying on my favorite dress the mother of another…