AndNowIKnowHowJoan of Arc Felt

Yeah, it's pretty much a dozen racism cupcakes with hypocrisy frosting.

I love the Fox article- the dinner club CAN charge up to $500K for membership and dinner CAN cost $1000 per couple, but it doesn't actually say the President is a member or even paid for his dinner.


Do people not understand that The Obama's actually pay for this? Or is it, THAT they can afford to pay for this that is the issue?*

God fucking damnit. Shit like this is what I like to point out everytime somebody goes "Oh, Republicans and Democrats, it's all the same!"

No, it is so, so, SO FUCKING NOT. Not at all. Not even a little. Democrats may have their own problems but holy shit we do not go to DEFCON 1 and lose our shit over things like

This is so fucking republican. "I pay your salary so you shouldn't get to do the things I do." I work for municipal government and we have a new conservative mayor. He wants to cut raises from the budget to save money. You know, cause he's for the people. Never mind that if you can't offer reasonable compensation


Yeah, cuz the Koch Brothers eat nothing but 7-11 hot dogs and nachos.

I'm not a lawyer, but I am a dork who loves scotusblog. They court heard oral arguments a month ago, so it will be a while before they rule. As scotusblog explained it, the justices were asking questions about the test to determine a threat. The government argued that if a reasonable person would call it a thrat, it

What's the problem with the headline here? It's accurate.

As I have a penis (edit, and identify as male) and spend an inordinate amount of time happily reading Jezebel, I'd like to thank all of Jezebels readers and writers for not making ham handed threats of deadly violence against me. Or as most people call it: acting like a normal fucking human being!

When the End of Days is nigh, I know who I want at my side!

Didn't drop her purse, either. Legend!

So essentially we're taking social cues from 6 year olds. Okay.

MRAs expect womenz to troll their sites the way they troll this one. They're under the delusion that the womenz actually want their attention, the way MRA trolls desperately try to get the attention of the womenz here.

Quick question, is "Baby Laugh a Lot" in my basement right now quietly giggling as she tries to rock slowly up the stairs brandishing a straight razor that is no doubt meant for my Achilles tendon? I mean that's crazy right? RIGHT?

ngl i am a little underwhelmed :/

The backstory is 1988.

I liked some person's idea that while serving out the end of his term Obama should go ahead and issue an executive order switching us over to the metric system as one last 'fuck you' to congress and everyone else.