Someone really needs to have a satirical protest outside the capital buildings in Chicago regarding this.
Someone really needs to have a satirical protest outside the capital buildings in Chicago regarding this.
Free, government-funded contraception?! Somebody tell Rush Limbaugh so we can see his head explode.
Technically she was brain dead, not dead dead. So it was more of a case of whether the right of a compassionate death should trump the rights of a foetus.
Keeping someone on life support isn't like "keeping them alive". The brain has already died and there are extreme side effects to that.
So I assume you are also a fan of compulsory organ harvesting after a person becomes brain dead, whether or not they had religious or other objections to donating while they were alive? There are plenty of situations where we continue to respect the wishes of the dead, even to the detriment of living people.
Women are people, not incubators. I'm really glad you don't make the laws.
That's the fundamental flaw in right-to-lifer philosophy. They don't think ahead or care about what happens after the baby is born. They'll fanatically take away a woman's (or in this case, a family's) right to choose, but they won't stick around to make sure the kid is properly cared for or to answer the tough…
I had to Google about 90% of what you just wrote but I love this comment and thank youl
+10 for "improssibro"
That's Brian Blessed, so it could be anything. A joke. A menu. A ransom note. He is the greatest human being the UK ever produced. I'm serious. Read about him. He's a badass.
I've seen pundits who are lousy on-air, but who I've suspected are fairly nice or reasonable people IRL. Hannity is not one of them. I've always had a suspicion that he is really a nasty, myopic guy all the time. Now I've got confirmation!
THIS! Just about to say this. I really, really, hate that they had to word their victory speech as such:
I sat through a legislative hearing on one of these "right to know" bills, and a young woman who said she studying to be a nurse, testified that she would have never aborted if only she had known it was a little baby inside her. Oh, if only she had known! But nobody told her.
True, but better the law be decided on a less controversial grounds because there is a better likelihood that the decision won't be overturned.
Hate to be the Debbie Downer because this is a solid win and I'll take it, but ultimately the reasoning behind the decision is the first amendment rights of doctors not to have their speech controlled by the State, and not anything to do with women's reproductive autonomy or the control of individual healthcare…
I think being president is hard as fuck and so I cut the man some slack, and also try to remember that it was this or McCain. Or Mittens. So as much as a ton of stuff is not great, I try to take breaths and remember that he's about as good as it's realistically gonna get.
I like how people in the comments are whining about male discrimination, when in Ireland, it's perfectly acceptable to keep dead women on life support to keep their unborn fetuses alive, and there's a fucking bill trying to get passed in the U.S. that would make it illegal for women to get abortions without male…