AndNowIKnowHowJoan of Arc Felt

You guys I wrote this post in 1 minute and 30 seconds while I got the video. If you leave a rude comment complaining that someone was left out you will be met with the Scourge of Seven Wraiths of the Midnight Blogger. Just drop the names you don't see up there in the comments and I'll add it.

Well, now I'm crying. He just seems like the loveliest man. A genuinely kind, brilliant, and hilarious person (which is not to imply our politics are perfectly aligned, blah blah blah).

Seriously... Cookie Monster is the cutest thing evarrrrr.

General Ray Odierno, Chief of Staff of the Army! That's an impressive get...

I learned to cook apfelstrudel in the kitchen of Schonbrunn Palace, her summer residence.

Perhaps Rubio will take Mitt Romney's suggestion and deport himself.

I'm 34 and got my tubes tied a few months ago. Literally every person involved besides my gyno who was performing the surgery joked, "decided you had enough already, huh?" I don't have children. Not only was the assumption pretty fucking annoying, but it was also unsettling to know that not a single person had read

Yes, but you're an asshole to people who totally deserve a swift kick in the pants. That you're merely annoying them makes you a saint.

Thanks for the advice. She wasn't my normal GP. I was really disheartened. I'll go to my regular GP and talk to her - she seems to at least listen to me.

For my 36th birthday this year I got my tubes tied (yaay!). Hubs was not in town on the day of the procedure so my mom got to play chauffeur. The nurse who was doing the pre-surgical stuff asked how many kids we had. When I told her "None" she started sputtering until she turned around and saw my giant "Oh no you

The day that the medical technology exists to transfer an unwanted fetus from the body of its female parent to the body of its male parent is the day that men get a say over whether or not a woman can have an abortion. Not until. Sorry guys, but as long as women have to bear 100% of the risks and physical consequences

Interestingly, when Mr. Barge went for a consult on a vasectomy, I wasn't even allowed in the room with him. Private winky business, no ladies allowed.

The angel Gabriel appeared to you in your sleep and told you to get your tubes tied.

In 1987, I had to have my husband's written permission for a tubal ligation. We talked about 2 kids being enough and they offered it right in the delivery room after a C-section. But, he hesitated (EVEN THOUGH WE AGREED) because I delivered our second girl and the doc chided me to "try" for the boy. I made everyone

A string of pregnant women should line up at Brattin's office saying he is the father of their fetus and that they are there to get permission for an abortion.

What if she doesn't want an abortion but the man does? Does the fact that he's a man trump her *choice* to carry to term, or does the law always side with the person who doesn't want an abortion?

I live in Ireland and I was told I could not have my tubes tied because "it's not God's way". I'm 37. 37!!!

If you are so anti-abortion, how about only putting your dick in women who feel the same way? I'm not saying I agree, but whatever, if you've examined your conscience and you aren't down with abortion, fine. That's your prerogative. But an easy solution is to not bang women who feel differently. Shit, I once

I fully support this. First, lemme just transfer the womb and its contents over to the father, email him some Lamaze class links, give him a jar of pickles and make sure he consents to assuming all responsibility for the fetus he is about to carry to term and birth. Great idea!

Okay, so beyond the fact that this is going nowhere, it also opens up a potential shit show of legalities. I'm assuming the burden of proving who the father is falls on this pregnant woman as well. So, the costs of paternity tests, and possibly hunting down and notifying any potential fathers. Then making them go