Oooo! Oooooo!! Let me guess!
Oooo! Oooooo!! Let me guess!
According to one of Young's lawyers, Sharon Fast Gustafson, they even accommodated people who had lost their driver's licenses due to drunk driving convictions: "They would give them a separate driver to drive the truck while they were delivering packages."
"Those outfits cost TAX MONEY!!"
Looks like Malia is wearing tights, so she's totally covered. I can't tell if Sasha is or not, but I see scrunched knee socks. Both really cute, totally appropriate for teenagers outfits. I've got two words for this Elizabeth Lauten with regard to political figures and their respectability: Bristol Palin.
Man, that waiter from Lisbon from last week is going to be really upset when he comes here and eats all our bread.
Maybe I will come to your country and fuck all your bread!
With those toned arms of hers, Michelle would knock the shit out of her. Would pay to watch.
I think she was referring to their skin color....there is no outfit on earth that could make them appropriate to their position in her eyes.
If two Ivy League-educated, successful adults are bad role models, my parents should be seriously concerned.
... comments she made about the Obama girls looking like bar floozies with bad attitudes
Elizabeth Lauten, the Republican Congressional staffer who over the weekend found herself in hot water over comments…
Burning down buildings, torching cars and discharging weapons is a hell of a lot different than killing or harming someone. How many cops have been seriously maimed or injured since this happened? I mean I know we'd hear about it if one was, so tell me, how many? These weapons could have been discharged in the…
No big deal...I mean, it's not like he sells monogrammed Thermoses, or anything....
I'm just picturing him coming to America, showing up in the nearest restaurant, weeping copiously as he eats basket after basket of bread. Finally, he's eaten enough to rupture his stomach, and he turns to the server who is trying to comfort him in his last moments and says, "I ate all the bread. I. Ate. All. The.…
"floors aren't respected."
"Ladies of Negotiable Affection." With monogrammed thermoses, saved (and waived!) bread, and "And eat all of your bread!" BCO is just filled with quotable quotes!