AndNowIKnowHowJoan of Arc Felt

So are we at He said/ She said, She said, She said, She said, She said, She said, She said, She said, She said, She said, She said, She said, She said, She said, She said, She said, She said, She said?

Hahahahaha, he literally complained that his article "In Defense of Bill Cosby" was misconstrued as defending Bill Cosby.

then they should have reported it then — not a generation later

It is true. And what it says about Michelle Duggar's life is that it is... crusty. I mean, look at that hair. I just wanna hose it down.

All the homosexuals I've known have been sweethearts.

Oh man. I went out with a law student from a super-fancy law school who tried to argue that mandated child support was a violation of the 13th amendment. (You know, the one abolishing SLAVERY).

The former CEO of General Electric, Jack Welch, would interview management candidates at restaurants. The candidates just assumed they were getting a free lunch but he used it as an opportunity to see how they interacted with the servers and other staff. Those that were rude and demeaning didn't get hired. His

I couldn't date a man who isn't a feminist or at least willing to become one. The latter are usually well meaning people who just don't understand that they probably already are.

This is why it's SO important to make sure your homosexual activists are up to date on their shots.

In the past week, homosexuals launched a very frightening and fast-growing petition asking TLC to cancel 19 Kids and Counting.

"...America's favorite family..."

I went on a date that I kneeeeew was going to be bad (I was 19 and didn't have the fortitude to tell people to fuck off that I have now.) Sure enough, this guy told me about his theory that every baby should be paternity tested at birth so no man accidentally supported a kid that wasn't his. What kind of 19 year old

Drakkar Noir

Poor table manners. I don't care if you know which fork is which, but if you chew with your moth open, hunch over your plate, use your utensils like you're shoveling manure, keep your elbows on the table at all times, or are generally kind of gross around food, it's never going to happen. And food pickiness: I will

I think we found something we can all pray for

When men wear those oversized tank tops where the arm hole goes super low and shows their sides. Especially the homemade from giant t-shirt kind. Pasty side ribcage is not for me.

Throwing garbage out of car windows. Not a cigarette. Like oh I'm done with ____ rolls down window and tosses. I dated a girl who did this and was so instantly turned off because I actually didn't know grown up humans did such things.

I want them taken off the air because they're rabid fundamentalist nutjobs who have children for their crazy-ass political/religious purposes, force the daughters into indentured servitude, and exploit all of them on national television without their consent. I'm tired of them being celebrated like they're doing

Well, there is no known cure for gaybies.

Rabid homosexual activists have made America's favorite family enemy Number One.