AndNowIKnowHowJoan of Arc Felt

I actually think the worst part about that post is the fact that he hopes it "wasn't a suicide" because it would be a potential bummer for HIM. Way to make it about you, dude.

Is there a course I can take so I can investigate death scenes remotely like this? I think I can get myself and at least one or two others to enroll.

"I saw goody proctor with the devil" was a pretty consistent and uniform "eyewitness" account. I mean, there's no other explanation for the uniformity of eyewitness testimony other than the truth, right?

You know the context. You're just playing dumb.

"You took my son away from me," [Mike Brown's mother] told the television news station KMOV. "Do you know how hard it was for me to get him to stay in school and graduate? You know how many black men graduate? Not many. Because you bring them down to this type of level, where they feel like they don't got nothing to

The context is that he was unarmed and had his hands in the air. The context is that police murder a black person every 28 hours in the US. The context is hundreds of years of dehumanization of black people: lynchings, slavery, you name it. The context is the rights that we are supposedly afforded by the Constitution,

I was going to invade Poland but then I realized I need men to open pickle jars for me and how can you invade Poland without pickles????

I'm invading Poland later today right after my period stops.

Met my husband at 21, we've been together for 26 years. More than anything, I think I have brought to this marriage my personality, my earnings, my support, my hard work, and, most of all, my love.

"So if a woman were to invest two years into one of these marriages and then to be rejected by the man . . . "

Definitely not. What women contribute, second only to youth, is pantslessness.

I guess since my youth is gone, I've got nothing to bring to the marriage table anymore. I'll be sure to apologize to my master tonight.

Yeah. The man being the "breadwinner" is definitely not the experience I have had in the dating world.

You must be very young to think that most people are elderly in their 60's and dead soon after that. lol

now increasingly women do work

I'm kind of stunned by the "oh well, most men are still breadwinners!" sentiment. I'm pretty sure that is increasingly not true. I can't even remember the last time I dated a guy who made more than I do (and I am comfortably middle class swf with a masters degree). I've certainly dated a good number of guys who come

I'm glad you had a wonderful experience being raised by a young mother, but I think you're extrapolating one good experience onto the rest of humanity, in all its variations. My mother had me at 30, after she'd started a career, done some exploring, and figured out who she was. Now I have a mother who's in her middle

Women are increasingly working now?!