AndNowIKnowHowJoan of Arc Felt

Who thinks women should exclusively be receptionists and nurses? I have never heard that argument anywhere. Most women think male nurses are awesome and pretty attractive, at least superficially. Same with male teachers.

Holy shit man! What have women done to make you this angry...well besides not dating you? I think I just answered my on question. Disregard.

Sadly, the NFL does not agree with you. It has no problem punishing its players for things that happen off the field when those things are something they consider important, like dog fighting or smoking pot. It's just abusing and murdering women that they think aren't worth getting involved in.

Children don't make contributions to the NFL, either. Should the league be fine with their players physically abusing and murdering them, too, or is it just women who are special?

I hope it does. I really don't get the appeal of it and I live in a major SEC hub. I've already told my husband (and he fully agrees) that our boys are NEVER playing football. They don't need to have Dementia at 45 over a sport. California just passed a low that high school full-contact practices can be no longer than

"What — exactly — is he guilty of?"


Since all microwave popcorns are bound to give you cancer and I'm a popcorn addict, I just go for the cheapest and most fake-butteriest kind on the market. I recommend Blast-O-Butter brand. It tastes as fake as the movie theater popcorn and is great for Internet fights! Yum!

Good, because no one is asking you to fire up the "outrage turbine"! This is a story about a restaurant owner who turned a kind of shitty thing into something positive! Fire up the happy turbine!

This Jew thinks you need to get out more. Maybe expand your selection of Jewish buddies, some that might even have that oft talked about "Jewish Humo(u)r" . I've diagnosed you as running Choleric-Melancholic, go get that shit balanced already.

I laughed. See you in hell.

I kind of agree with you, but if I had thought of "Twatwa" on my own, there is simply no way I would choose to keep it to myself. Twatwa should fly free.

No matter how much power men get, they never lose their ability to be afraid of girls.

I guess they issued a twatwa.

Not to be pendantic, but Kate, you might want to change Isis to ISIS (it is an acronym). Otherwise the article reads like an ancient Egyptian goddess has suddenly started making demands.

Malala knows what's up. I am terrified for her but I hope she never stops.