You just let that pass?! Come on man!!! You literally had an open invitation to live out the lyrics of "Night Moves" by Bob Seger & The Silver Bullet band!!!
You just let that pass?! Come on man!!! You literally had an open invitation to live out the lyrics of "Night Moves" by Bob Seger & The Silver Bullet band!!!
Well done!
Then the hell are you reading/commenting here? Get off your ass and go do them!
I got that Samsung 840 EVO 500GB SSD for $179 back in May. My advice is to take a few minutes and do some price checking. You may (or may not find a better deal). NewEgg and Amazon were having pretty decent promotions at the time. (I bought mine on Amazon).
Perhaps she was unaware of the fact that in the United States water-cannons immediately bring back memories of their use during the Civil Right movement? This reporter is Irish born and has lived in England and Australia primarily (thx wikipedia). Perhaps she simply was unaware of their cultural symbolism in the…
Waiting for the apology....
"I'd like to clarify a remark I made earlier on the broadcast. All I meant was that rubber bullets are discriminatory weapons because they can be aimed at individual targets and fired with a good amount of accuracy. On the other hand simply blasting absolutely everyone in sight with a high…
More like "Fuckin' Bradley Center". You'll lose the Bucks soon if the fine people of Milwaukee and their government don't build a new arena (I don't care what the new owner says about staying... He will bolt for Seattle if the city doesn't cough up some cash for a new arena. It would be a damn shame too because as a…
On April 14, 1865, Illinois' favorite son, the "Great Emancipator", Abraham Lincoln, became a victim gun violence. On July 4th, 2014 in Chicago sixteen others joined him. If Lincoln could speak to us today, what would he say? Would he chastise us for learning nothing in nearly 150 years or would he (known for his…
This one isn't very complicated. It is however challenging to get a perfect landing or even a good one for that matter. You can customize your flight and turn on/off various options that can make landing easier in the beginning. I don't like overly complex flight sims (especially on iPads/iPhones). This is a joy…
XPlane was my favorite on iOS, but they made several different versions (Standard, Extreme, Apollo, etc.) and then they stopped updating those versions to fit the larger screen that the iPhone 5 has. They did make an XPlane HD which is great on iPad but the controls and instrument readouts are too small when played…
Agree 100%.
Agree. I feel like he can still save himself though. Vaughn on the other hand is "lost and gone forever." #GratuitousGusterAllusion
Ask not what your country can do for you... but fuck her right in the pussy.
I'm a proud liberal and normally I'd jump at the chance to jump all over Pat Sajack's wingnut ass. I think Sajak is a total nutcase. Some of the climate change denial crap he has been spouting off and various things he puts on twitter (like you referenced re: gay athletes) are beyond absurd.
OH, Come on! That is a ridiculous, ignorant assertion!.... *Looks around house at filled with electronics made in China or with Chinese parts* OMG... maybe TunaButter was right... This is how China planned to destroy us all along... I have to warn everyone!....
Christ.... It is way simpler than you Americans are all making it sound! If it goes to a second tiebreaker then they bring out a large scale and weigh the captains of each team. The team captain that weighs the same as a duck is obviously made of wood and therefore his team advances. However, this also means the…
Bang! Bang! Adam Silver's hammer Came down upon Don's head!