Graymyas Leigh

I'm more interested in the slippery goo cannons they had on the same documentary as this years back. That would be much more effective and wouldn't harbor as much ill will towards cops using it. How could you be mad when you can't even stand without busting your ass?

No one. You let it run its course. Unless you want to inspire more violence. Eventually they'll learn that mobs aren't the way, and a few conspirators in the night would be more effective. Blood begets blood and all that.

They are endangering themselves. I won't cry if this fuckup of a human gets killed, he earned it.

Why would it be? The Gamecube is a great system with great titles, its proved itself. Xbox One has a way to go I think.

It was a jab that a Gamecube is more worthy of a permanent spot than an Xbox One. Probably because of all the great titles it has that age very well.

Gaston, I am disappoint.

Now playing

Posting for others who may not have heard it before. Damn Tom Lehrer is great.

Whites- highest amount of mass shooters, child rapists, and serial killers.

Came here to say RE2 too, only I was 9 or 10 and it was the 64 version. That jumpscare with the licker going by the window in the police station made me turn the game off in terror every time.

Didn't this happen months ago?

Why is the cop not one of the castle guards?

No, Pokemon is not safe.

Ooo.... hopefully Nintendo doesn't go all Michael Jordan on em and sue the crap out of the store :/

Viedo gaems n animu r for kids, wut r u a pedo????

Do you say the same thing about Pokemon articles?

Oh hell yeah. I played an entire game of Total War 2 as the Danes while sleeping after a day binging on it. Had to set it down for a while after that.

Evangelion is a show for tweens, for one thing. I could go on and on about different anime franchises that are aimed at kids and yet are still loved by people of all ages.

You have an anime avatar. You have a anime character's name as your user name. AND you use the cutesy patootsie honorific 'chan' in it.

What the fuck?