Never seen five minutes of the show, but this was amazing.
Never seen five minutes of the show, but this was amazing.
Yeah nope. Picky eater here, I went to bed hungry many nights because I don't eat most things. Kids will starve themselves before they eat stuff they don't want.
I'm fairly certain it is pretty much the main point actually. Not much else to do other than kill the people that do that to people, so yeah.
Have you never played DayZ? Lotsa people really like doing that actually. And force feed them rotten bananas and disenfectant while they're at it. Still one of the best selling games on steam too I believe :P
Yeah, like that means anything. I've gotten almost a hundred recs from calling someone a retard on Gawker before, so yeah (I was angry and the guy said something despicable, but 'retard' ain't exactly 'appropriate'. Yet DEM RECS). The fact that a few people agree doesn't mean you're 'right'.
'what's appropriate'
I feel sad this doesn't have more stars.
And I have the right to judge judgers for being so judgey. Judgeception.
Yeah, I mean... what. I suppose they might have evidence that supports that he was decapitated after he was killed. The only thing it could be, actually.
'Breanna Mitchell doesn't'
Lock muggers in those medieval cages on street corners until they die of exposure as a warning to others?
that people deserve what they get if they walk down streets with electronics on their person
I've read breathing rapidly through your nose reduces the burning time by a crap ton - a person that has never tried wasabi.
If we ever got stuff like this I imagine it would be hard to impossible to even attempt to do anything really stupid.
Used to do this with grenades in Big Red One, not that impressive or game breaking really, just crazy luck.
Pretty much how everyday life would be if pokemon were real. 'lalala collecting rocks for my primitive shelter AAAHH HOLY SHIT AN ONYX' *dead*
Then go attempt to ban cell phones, and don't carry one with picture taking capabilities because that would make you a hypocrite.
What 'issues' need to be addressed with cellphones? YOUR issue that you're scared for some reason that everyone with one MUST be taking a picture of you because they have the ability to?