How about we find out where this fuck lives and give him a taste of his own medicine?
How about we find out where this fuck lives and give him a taste of his own medicine?
Trolling? Because you're saying rapists just shouldn't be able to play a game for a season.
The name itself is a reference to the 'tentacle rape' meme. True that not all tentacle porn is rape, but that's just the mainstream joke.
I get what they're going for. Kind of. But I disagree that it's 'trigger free'. The name itself, the concept is all a reference to the rape porn.
Don't know why you'd want to associate your product with a niche rape porn. What's next, Sorry! where all the pieces are boobs with shitting dicknipples?
Imagine the stuff they don't pass.
holy shiet, any hope for that last one in wallpaper size? Afreakingmazing
This. Really hope there is a funny story behind this one or something...
*wahhhh people want to make choices that I don't like
Ditto for large muscular types.
This is no better than the responses from Ubisoft about not having female skins.
'online only' is not moving forward.
And I'm sure every mass shooter and ISIS fighter are all those kids on CoD who listen to rap and talk shit.
Too late Edit: The mental leap it takes to go from playing video games or listening to music to beheading children and committing genocide (in the name of religion, something I think has a bit more blame in this than games or hip-hop) is just too far for me. I'm not saying violence in media is something that is…
It comes off as fear mongering, for one. Reminds me of the 'D&D scare' years back where if you play it, you'll join a suicide cult, become a Satanist, etc. For two, the hip hop bit is dated and just plain ignorant.
How many frustrated kids whose only outlets for aggression are Call of Duty, sports, or hip-hop
I agree with him. It wasn't just 'on her computer'. It was in the 'cloud'. On the internet. Available to anyone who knows how a computer works and has hands and a working brain.
La Mulana. Has a lot of hard puzzles, but the boss fights are tight. Often on sale on steam for 99 cents.
It'd be nasty, but better than tear gas. Plus I imagine it would be sprayed at their feet more often, or better yet, sprayed on the ground before they reach a certain point. Only down fall I see is the police being unable to arrest them without getting stuck themselves, but that could be a good thing.