I do understand where you’re coming from. At the same time, not showing violence or gore on shows depicting medieval warfare and undead corpses would have also felt odd.
I do understand where you’re coming from. At the same time, not showing violence or gore on shows depicting medieval warfare and undead corpses would have also felt odd.
I’m a lower bucks native. We’ve always been a little trashy, but seriously what the fuck is going in bucks county?
Okay, but why is Bella Hadid cosplaying as me at my sweet 16 afterparty?
““The crunching noise, I guess, was the teeth scraping against the skull as it dug in,” said the teen.”
I’ve heard that as black bears grow more accustomed to humans they grown more aggressive. I’ve read that black bears have not (in the past) seen humans as prey or food and seem not to like the odor of human. But bears are omnivores and always looking for that next meal, so if they get used to “eau de camper” they may…
My dog can eat rotting meat, bird shit, horse shit, etc. without getting sick. That doesn’t mean I’d suggest a human try it.
Me too, but it’s because that family seems so incestuous.
No no no. Steve Bannon isn’t fat. He’s the ideal weight for an adult male Hutt.
I’d like to become emaciated. In the healthiest way possible.
It’s okay, Sean. We’re all stress-eating our way through this administration too.
In addition to making abortion almost impossible, shutting down all these clinics is causing the maternal mortality rate to go up in the US (in all other industrialized nations, its going down). Sorry, millennial women....
There’s a fully legal public nude beach in Toronto (or would be, if it weren’t currently flooded with historically high lake levels). The people who go there enjoy it, because there are far less likely to be families and children there. Nobody is there to look at others, and, in fact, the people most likely to…
While I like Courtney a lot ( Live Through This and Celebrity Skin were pretty terrific), had someone told me that in 2017 Courtney Love would be alive and Chris Cornell would be dead, I’d have told them they’re crazy.
(Rebel)’s sisters Annarchi and Liberty also attested to their mother’s love of unusual names,
I’m a married woman who kept my name. Been married for a decade now and have not had the desire to take my husband’s name (even though his is SUPER easy to pronounce and spell and mine isn’t. Something about it being harder to pronounce makes me even more interested to keep it - because they have to work hard to…
Personally I gave my son my last name. I feel like this is pretty uncommon but I’m not sure why except tradition. I mean...I carried him for 9 months and then went through excruciatingly painful labor that nearly killed me, then kept him fed with my body for another 9 months soooo I felt it was only fair.
Stay sexy!
In b4 “You’re in a cult, call your dad.”
Not since Lorena Bobbit have we encountered a woman who so efficiently disposed of a Weiner.
How many women does this guy have buried in his basement? Jw