
That sounds like a thyroid thing. My cat has it. It’s actually not bad news compared to other stuff. My cat just needs a pill twice a day now. He gained enough weight back and his coat is shiny and healthy again. I hope the vet can help!

Drink. Lol. Seriously, though...volunteer. Doing for others takes the focus off yourself and helps build esteem as well. Folks need a lot during this time, and it feels good to do it.

Thank you. I’ve spent many holidays alone in 45 years of living but this one is hitting me particularly hard since last year I had my mom and her husband spend Christmas with his family together for the first time. Blended since we were supposed to be married this past October. So much change over 1 year. I’m too old

A wii might be fun if you guys aren’t big gamers... get things like Mario kart, play wii bowling, stuff like that?

I am forever grey, but I’m hoping someone will see this and help.

My best friend (who lives in a different state) always comes to visit me the week after Christmas. This year, she was able to take advantage of the stupid cheap Southwest fares a while ago.

Right? I just think it shows a [willful] profound lack of understanding about women’s gynecological and reproductive health. Women have to worry and deal with SO much more and at earlier ages than men do. In fact, for some women, taking hormonal birth control regularly helps them preserve their fertility. A lot more

Also, for fuck’s sake women need to take hormonal birth control for more than just preventing pregnancy. So, okay fine. We all use condoms to prevent babies, but that doesn’t help the women who need bc to regulate their cycle, prevent cancer, relieve PCOS and endometriosis, help prevent acne and PMS/PMDD... the list

Thank you, Senator Blobfish, for making me think of dive bar bathrooms when I think of your position on a woman’s right to bodily autonomy.

(I’m kind of OK with duplicate articles, honestly, if it keeps me off the Gawker mainpage.)

We call it a War on Women precisely because assholes like you think forcing a woman to make a man wear birth control is preferable to giving her control over her own body after private consultation with her doctor.

Of course, he’s a guy who thinks we should protect our country by forcing other countries to wear our

Nope. I am not saying “I could do that!” That’s an entirely separate issue. I completely understand that sometimes what looks like simplistic art is actually technically complex. You don’t need to educate me on how to understand art, thanks very much.

Seriously. AND for jaywalking. Isn’t most of 6th street usually blocked off on Friday/Saturday night so the bar patrons can walk around freely?

i GENUINELY did not know you could get arrested for public intox in Austin

I found his ideal woman!

I will do whatever it takes to curl her toes creatively, spiritually, intellectually and sexually.

so where does his muse sleep? oh right, she just recharges in a corner chair.

You lie. Caesar is victorious over all. HAIL CAESAR, EMPEROR OF MIXED GREENS.

it looks like

That's because you only go on pizza night

Good lord she is just a striking young woman. They're both perfect mixtures of their parents. Ignore the haters, girls. You're lovely.