
I feel like there’s a match to be made here...

Someone please tell me how to post gifs on Jezebel! I have a lot of laugh-crys I’d like to be posting right now.

Cute. If you throw enough of a fit in the US you might just get yourself a $10 meal voucher.

I think that’s the only thing he’s talking about. When I heard him talk about LaGaurdia as being worse than “third-world” countries he made it very clear he’s never been to a developing country. I’ve flown into international airports that literally have crashed planes on the side of the runway because they don’t have

Shit. Have you heard of skiplagging? It’s purposely skipping a leg of your flight at a connection because the ticket was cheaper. There’s a really good chance this is why you’re flight was canceled. I bought a skiplag ticket once and I was utterly wracked with guilt the week I was away, but 45 minutes after we were

Holy shit. My parents wouldn’t even buy the Jansport backpack I so desperately wanted.

This is a dream I’ve had for a long time but never attempted. You’ve given me hope.

Good call. And while he’s at it, maybe he can stay away forever.

Exhausting is the perfect word for Brand. Noel is just too adorable. You know who is the perfect happy medium here? Richard Ayoade. Super smart, witty and sexy no matter what silly things he wears.

Noel Fielding over Russel any day.

I’m glad you’re OK! The rise of antibiotic resistant bacteria is so terrifying to me; especially as a women who has had recurring UTI’s since I was 16.

Wait, get back here. I need details. What happens when you get an antibiotic resistant strain? How are you treated?

<iframe src="//" width="480" height="391.83673469387753" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="">via GIPHY</a></p>

But first, is he taller than Kit? Please say he’s taller.

Can I get his number?

For real. More beards. More wolves.

He’s really bad at winking.

it’s so tragic how short he is.

When I read “Martin,” my mind went straight to the 90's sitcom with Martin Lawrence and I was like, “wait—what happened at the end of Martin?!?”

Oh, I’m sorry. VILLAGE of Toronto. And he didn’t grow up in Regent Park. So...