
Due to work conflicts, I occasionally have the house to myself for long weekend as my wife and spawn travel to visit her parents. I get to make lamb, which my wife hates, or ribs, which my wife thinks are too fatty.  Which is all fine and good, but I’m still hunched over the sink eating a sandwich or cereal for dinner

That looks more interesting.  I kind of like what they did in the center to hold liquids better...  I may have to see if there is something like that, but one piece silicone.  I like single piece construction for things like spatulas and this stuff because there’s no joint for crud to get into, plus they don’t come

I’m not talking about the handle. I’m talking about the handle end of the bristles—how do you ensure the bristles are clean and there isn’t bacteria-laden stuff jammed up in the end where the bristles come together and meet the handle? Esp. if you are using it on the outside of poultry?  Stuff wicks up there, you

Sooo... What is the consensus recommendation on pastry brushes? I’m not a huge fan of the ones that look like paint brushes—the handle end of the bristle part looks made to collect nasty bacteria. How the hell do you clean those things anyway? I bought one silicone one, but the silicone was so slick the butter just

We have enjoyed Machi Koro, Ticket to Ride, Can’t Stop, Exploding Kittens, Mexican Train, and the old standby, Monopoly...

This strikes me as a cause and effect problem. Working long hours is often a sign of your skills being in demand—right skills, right brain, right manners, right intuition, whatever. But it’s the being in demand that results in success, not the long hours. Co-opting the symptom—long hours—doesn’t guarantee you success

For the short extension cords, these are a little over $10 ($17), but you get 10...  So the unit price is $1.70 ea. instead of $7.  They are handy to have...

For the short extension cords, these are a little over $10 ($17), but you get 10...  So the unit price is $1.70 ea.

No matter how convenient it looks, don’t pack loose clothes in big garbage bags.  DAMHIKT.

Is there a decent tutorial somewhere on how to make these shortcuts? I’d like a “commute” shortcut where it will transfer the BT to the car audio (which, for some ungodly reason, doesn’t happen automagically), then start playing a playlist, and turn on Waze and set it for directions to “Work.” But the “steps” you seem

From the mind of David Chang... Ramen flavor packets. Shockingly good.

I had some coverage issues with my 11750ac router, and tried using a simple range extender. That meant 4 SSIDs in my house, which was annoying. I ended up switching over to an Orbi mesh set up, and was delighted to reduce all of that to a single unified SSID.  Until I figured out that my phone liked to lock onto the

Don’t they have like VINs and shit to prevent stuff like this from happening?  Shouldn’t Ford be able to figure out that its financing the same car twice?  Or being asked to finance a car that doesn’t exist?  smh.

If you knew shit about networks or network neutrality, you would understand that packet prioritization is a good thing and built into networks for good reason—what network neutrality is all about is paid prioritization, dumbass. The whole “all bits are created equal” is the way you sell network neutrality to a bunch

I think you are ignoring the commercial realities of how business works. You say that gateways merely need to be configured “correctly,” but there is cost involved in that and no golden standard of what “correctly” means in this context. See my example above.

That’s a more than a bit of an oversimplification. Look at the whole debate that happened in the midst of net neutrality when ISPs were accused of slowing down Netflix traffic—some speed charts figured famously in John Oliver’s very popular screed. Turns out the root cause of the slow down was because of Netflix’s own

My experience (FiOS, FWIW) was that when I called and bitched about speeds they discovered the WAN transfer speed on the “gigabit” router I had was the limiting factor. I bought a Cisco router that specified the WAN transfer speed and have consistently gotten speeds as advertised or slightly better. I still experience

Do you actually take the position they can or should guarantee performance on someone else’s network outside their control?

Just keep whacking on that strawman. I’m not defending any “industry.”   You just hit on a pet peeve of mine—the misplaced notion, usually espoused by people without a particularly broad world view, that their personal views on what is or isn’t worth it constitute wisdom that they should feel compelled to pass on to

Funny, I remember being distinctly neutral with respect to how much people should or shouldn’t spend on a wedding, so you are railing away on a strawman of your own construction. And why should you care so passionately about how much someone does or does not spend on a party for their friends and family? I’m starting

Aw.  That the best you can come up with?